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Thursday, July 4, 2024 - 12:19 AM


First Published in 1994


Sexual orientation and gender identity seem to permeate every aspect of our lives and targeting girls in sports. As states hurry to pass legislation protecting girls’, transgender activists are loudly opposing those efforts.

The National Collegiate Athletic Association’s (NCAA) Board of Governors who manages student-athletes at the college level recently released a statement bowing to the left. While they reiterated their support for transgender athletes without taking a firm stance on biological men playing in the women’s category, they also explained that they would only choose locations free from discrimination. We can draw from this language that they are alluding to the fact that they will boycott states that have passed legislation to keep biological men from playing in women’s sports. 

The fact that the NCAA is allowing this to happen is completely unacceptable. They are refusing to protect the privacy rights of girls in locker rooms, showers, and bathrooms. Girls are even losing scholarships and opportunities to play professional sports because men are beating them in their own categories. What happened to “women’s empowerment?”

Female athletes haven’t stayed quiet though. Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) has represented them in cases against schools and programs that have allowed biological men in their sports. One of ADF’s attorneys, Christiana Holcomb, joins the Engage with Eagle Forum podcast to talk about the importance of protecting girls in sports, the actions being taken by lawmakers, and the status of current court cases regarding this issue. You won’t want to miss this episode packed full of resources and actions you can take in your own state!

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