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Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - 10:24 PM


First Published in 1994


Joe Biden 6 7 21

Last Friday afternoon, the Biden Administration released its budget for fiscal year 2022. Traditionally, the President’s budget acts as a blueprint or starting point for the House and Senate to begin drafting appropriations bills. While the final package will most likely look a bit different than the current proposal, it highlights the President’s priorities and, most likely, the Democratic priorities in both Chambers. 

Topping approximately $6 trillion, the Biden budget boasts the highest sustained spending since WWII America! According to The Hill, the plan “would increase the country’s debt burden to 117 percent of gross domestic product by the end of the decade, exceeding its World War II record in 2024.” If anything, this budget tells us that the Biden Administration and Democrats do not care about the growing deficit.

In terms of spending, the budget includes the President’s Americans Jobs Plans and the American Families Plan. As the White House’s Budget Fact Sheet states, “the American Jobs Plan will invest in America in a way we have not invested since we built the interstate highways and won the Space Race. But unlike past major investments, the plan also prioritizes addressing long-standing and persistent racial injustice and helps ensure rural, urban, and Tribal communities have a fair shot at prosperity.” The American Families plan will enact universal preschool to all three and four-year-olds as well as two years of free community college for Americans. In addition, this part of the budget also updates paid family leave and medical leave and provides financial assistance for childcare for families within a certain income threshold.

Among the budget’s other initiatives, it funds the Violence Against Women Act, a bill that most certainly harms women. But, one item is most notably missing, and that is the Hyde Amendment! As you may recall, the Hyde Amendment is a long-standing and bipartisan amendment that prevents any federal dollars from being used to fund abortion. Sadly, Democrats have been intent on Hyde’s removal since Biden took office. Overwhelmingly, Americans do not support their tax dollars being spent on abortion services and its time that our lawmakers realize this. Eagle Forum joined a letter to House and Senate leadership asking that they fight for Hyde and other long-standing pro-life protections. You can read the letter here.

Eagle Forum will continue to monitor the appropriations process and keep you posted on any vital additions or negations that you should be aware of.