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Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - 08:22 PM


First Published in 1994


EagleForum S.1

Previous Sunday another nail was put in the coffin of S.1, the For the People Act or as Republicans like to call it the Corrupt Politicians Act. The ultra-partisan bill was unlikely to ever garner enough Republican support to reach the sixty-vote threshold needed to pass the bill and now Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) stated he would not support the bill.

In an op-ed featured in Charleston Gazette-Mail, Manchin stated:

“Democrats in Congress have proposed a sweeping election reform bill called the For the People Act. This more than 800-page bill has garnered zero Republican support. Why? Are the very Republican senators who voted to impeach Trump because of actions that led to an attack on our democracy unwilling to support actions to strengthen our democracy? Are these same senators, whom many in my party applauded for their courage, now threats to the very democracy we seek to protect?

The truth, I would argue, is that voting and election reform that is done in a partisan manner will all but ensure partisan divisions continue to deepen.”

He went on to further warn of Democrats’ incorrect attempt to end the filibuster as a means to pass The For the People Act. “They’ve attempted to demonize the filibuster and conveniently ignore how it has been critical to protecting the rights of Democrats in the past,” Manchin remarked.

While this is good news, the fight over preventing Congressional election “reform” is far from over. In his op-ed, Manchin encouraged bipartisan support of H.R. 4 or the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.

If enacted, the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act will give the Department of Justice the ability to reject a state’s changes to polling places, voter ID and registration requirements, and redistricting lines! To justify this blatant power grab, proponents claim the bill can end racial discrimination. Instead, it would force partisan and racial gerrymandering and end common-sense and simple reforms to election law, like voter ID.

H.R. 4 is no substitute for the For the People Act and it’s vital our lawmakers understand this. Eagle Forum will monitor both of these bills in both the House and Senate and keep you posted with any vital changes.