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Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - 08:17 PM


First Published in 1994


During the signing of the bill making Juneteenth a federal holiday, President Biden said the following:

I have to say to you, I’ve only been president for several months, but I think this will go down, for me, as one of the greatest honors I will have as president…I regret that my grandchildren aren’t here; because this is a really, really, really important moment in our history. By making Juneteenth a federal holiday, all Americans can feel the power of this day and learn from our history – and celebrate progress and grapple with the distance we’ve come (and) the distance we have to travel…”

Implicit in this statement is the fact that Americans still have not realized the full scope of their guilt in slavery. Is it even possible to achieve full recognition of our “guilt?” It appears the standard, created by woke America, keeps becoming harder and harder for conservatives to achieve.

Take for example Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehouse from Rhode Island. He recently came under fire for being a member of a beach club that has only admitted White members. According to Fox News,

A reporter asked Whitehouse if the club had admitted any minority members since 2017, when it previously confronted him about his membership. The senator reportedly transferred his stake in the club in recent years to his wife, who remains one of its largest shareholders.

"I think the people who are running the place are still working on that and I’m sorry it hasn't happened yet," Whitehouse said in response to the question on the club’s membership. He added that Bailey’s was a "long tradition in Rhode Island."

Whitehouse’s office later denied the club had discriminatory membership practices.”

If Senator Whitehouse had a different party affiliation, i.e. Republican, he would certainly be asked to resign his Senate position and apologize profusely for his ignorance and racial insensitivity. The hypocritical nature of the Left is hurting America.

That’s why we talked with Dr. David Azerrad of Hillsdale College about the character of American wokeness. To have a successful strategy against the wokeness found in mechanisms like Critical Race Theory, we must first understand it.

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