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Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - 08:25 PM


First Published in 1994


Permission Granted in Advance to Use Any Portion of This Posted Video Interview

Permission Granted in Advance to Use Any Portion of This Posted Video Interview

ASHBURN, Va. -- Standing in front of the Loudoun County School Administration building in Loudoun County, Virginia, on Thursday July 1, Public Advocate President, Eugene Delgaudio, interviews two participants from the raucous June 22 Public Hearing that resulted in the arrest on trespassing charges for Jon Tigges.

Senator Dick Black is the dynamic speaker number 70 during the public testimony requested by the School Board and explains how he presented his case to the school board that they were operating outside the law and that they had been caught red handed by citizens in tracking them down and attacking them during two twenty minute segments.

Senator Black explains how things got to this point where racism is institutionalized and teachers are being ordered to lie to children in Loudoun County, and throughout the nation, about gender and Godly values. Regarding the disproportionate overreaction of the leftist school board, "the school board was intimidated by the peaceful passion of patriots who sang the Star Spangled Banner with enthusiasm."

Link to full video interview here includes first guest Senator Dick Black (37 minutes)


Conservative Leader Jon Tigges says:

"We spoke about education standards and the School Board was not interested and the School Board evacuated when parents applauded speakers who embraced high education standards. Then I sang, along with the whole crowd, the Star Spangled Banner. Then we started sharing and listening to each other as we presented our case in public even with the school board absent.
"After 30 minutes of ad hoc orderly speeches by citizens in the public board room, the superintendent declared an unlawful assembly. I know from my weekly demonstrations at the Board of Supervisors that Virginia and Loudoun laws spell out exactly what an unlawful assembly is. A peaceful group of parents talking to each other is not unlawful. The superintendent is wrong and I decided to stand up for my rights in light of a clearly mistaken enforcement."

Link to full video interview includes 2nd guest Jon Tigges (37:00 minute mark)
