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Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - 08:20 PM


First Published in 1994


Rev. Patrick Mahoney will be holding the first public demonstration and prayer vigil at the Capitol since the January 6th insurrection.

Mahoney will be gathering on the corner of East Capitol and 1st Street NE at 11:00 a.m., on Tuesday, July 13 and then walk over to the Capitol grounds.

Rev. Mahoney will carry the event virtually through Facebook Live.

Here is a news link regarding Rev. Mahoney's federal lawsuit against the Speaker and Vice President:  https://www.foxnews.com/faith-values/christian-minister-sues-pelosi-harris-capitol-prayer-vigil

In a Sunday email sent to the U.S. Capitol Police, Rev. Mahoney said; 

"Although the fence is down, I want to make sure First Amendment activities are allowed back at the Capitol since the grounds are now open to all. I plan on doing a demonstration at the Capitol on Tuesday morning. It will be very small, perhaps just me with a sign, as I want to be very understanding of any new protocols that are being put into place. However, it would be clearly unconstitutional to open the Capitol grounds to tourists, visitors and Capitol Hill residents while prohibiting my peaceful First Amendment activities there." 

Rev. Patrick Mahoney, Director of the Washington, D.C. based Christian Defense Coalition states;

"While we are thankful the fence was removed from the U.S. Capitol this weekend, it is both troubling and tragic that it took 6 months to return the 'People's House' back to the people.
"For 6 months, I was consistently prohibited from holding peaceful First Amendment activities at the U.S. Capitol. This included things such as: a Good Friday Service, a National Day of Prayer gathering and a 4th of July celebration as we prayed for America's freedoms.
"Although the fence is down, I want to make sure First Amendment activities are allowed back at the Capitol since the grounds are now open to all. It is critical for public free speech and prayer to once again be welcomed, celebrated and honored at the United States Capitol."