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Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - 06:21 PM


First Published in 1994


Babys Hands

Back in January of this year, we warned you that the defense of life was on the line! Sadly, our premonitions are coming true, and Democrats in Congress are using their majority to remove any pro-life legislative mechanisms that hinder their anti-life agenda! This includes the Hyde Amendment, a provision in appropriations that prevents tax-payer monies from being used to fund abortion.

At a Congressional hearing in December 2020, Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) said of the long-standing and bipartisan Hyde amendment:

“The Hyde Amendment is a discriminatory policy. For more than 40 years, it has been routinely extended…but the time has come in this current moment to reckon with the norm, with the status quo…While the Labor, HHS, Education bill has carried the Hyde amendment every year since 1976, this is the last year…Now is the time to empower all women to be able to make deeply personal life decisions without politicians inserting themselves into the doctor’s office.”

Sadly, the Democrats had every intention of acting on DeLauro’s wish. This past Thursday, Democrats in the House Appropriations committee ELIMINATED the Hyde Amendment from fiscal year 2022’s Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Appropriations bill!

It is estimated that Hyde has saved close to 2 million lives, and it is vital that we continue to fight for its inclusion into appropriations!

But that’s not all! In addition to removing Hyde, Democrats also removed the Weldon Amendment, which provides conscience protections for healthcare workers that will not provide abortions or refer patients for an abortion. No person should be put into a position that compromises their morals!

Thankfully, House Republicans have been listening to our calls to protect Hyde and Ranking Member Tom Cole (R-OK) entered an amendment to reinsert Hyde protections and the Weldon Amendment into the appropriations bill. Sadly, the vote failed by 27-32.