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Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - 06:29 PM


First Published in 1994


Bidens Afghanistan Mess up

Over the last couple of weeks, all eyes have been on the news coming from Afghanistan. The Biden administration decided to withdraw all U.S. troops from the country after two decades. To say that the execution has been disastrous would be an understatement. As many Americans and Afghan allies remain stranded and hunted down by the Taliban, the White House is looking the other way.

It’s no surprise that the Biden administration has swept another crisis under the rug. The President has refused to answer questions from the press during his few appearances. The Pentagon’s spokesperson, John Kirby, dismissed the issue of leaving Americans behind by stating on MSNBC, “We have Americans that get stranded in countries all the time.” This statement came after the White House Press Secretary, Jen Psaki, claimed that no Americans would be stranded. Even Democrats in Congress have refused to allow Afghan veterans to speak to this crisis on the House floor. Our leaders are spineless. 

The Biden administration has been more than willing to assist the Taliban in their efforts. First, Biden agreed to honor the Taliban’s demand to pull out all U.S. troops by August 31st. This is the same ruthless Taliban that has never honored a promise or even a human life. But, Biden complied, leaving hundreds of Americans behind.

Then, Biden armed the Taliban. In 20 years, the U.S. spent $83 billion on reconstruction services which included the purchase of over 73,000 vehicles, 168 aircrafts, and over 549,000 weapons. Because of the tight deadline and sloppy execution, there was no major effort to recover what was useable.  Now, that equipment lies in the hands of the Taliban to be used for terroristic activity. 

It doesn’t end there, though. The Biden administration handed over the names of all Americans in Afghanistan to the Taliban. While the White House is defending that move claiming that the Taliban would help, others are pointing out the reality that this would create a kill list instead.  Many Americans and Afghans have already reported threats from the Taliban. They are turning off their phones to avoid being tracked and going into hiding.

The Biden administration’s subpar efforts to get our people out prompted private American citizens and organizations to step in. The Nazarene Fund, a sister project to Operation Underground Railroad, has raised $30 million and aided in the escape of over 5,000 Christians. Even a retired group of veterans who found each other online formed a rescue mission for Afghan interpreters and their families. It’s sad that our Commander-in-Chief is being upstaged by civilians. 

The State Department claims to have reached an agreement with the Taliban on allowing more rescues to happen. However, it would be senseless to trust the word of a terrorist organization. The Biden administration now has to live with 13 Marine deaths, numerous casualties, a failed 20-year war, and their own lack of empathy. 

Eagle Forum is appalled by the way the Biden administration handled the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan. These actions have drawn criticism of the United States from around the world. This should be a reminder that we must work to elect officials that will not back down to evil forces.