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Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - 06:24 PM


First Published in 1994


Several women recounted their calamitous experience with Planned Parenthood

ATLANTA -- The Restoration Project, a pro-life, pro-family, pro-education organization based in Georgia, today announced that African-American and Latina women, together with men, took a public stand on Saturday, September 4, 2021 in front of Ebenezer Baptist Church. They called on Raphael Warnock to change his strips, leave the Negro Project behind and begin protecting Black women in Georgia and the nation. Though abortion has been labeled health care in America, the vivid testimonies shared by several of the women exposed it as anything but. Instead, their experiences revealed a pattern of targeting Black women and their babies.

Several Women Shared Personal Testimonies

When describing her encounter with Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in the nation, Lisa Babbage refuted the notion that they offer women a choice. Planned Parenthood told her they did not offer prenatal care nor did not make referrals to OBGYNs. Lisa was told they only offered abortion and her choice was an appointment to terminate her child on Tuesday or Thursday.

Carli Eli, when speaking about the nearly 3,000 Latina women in Georgia who terminated their pregnancies in 2020, described a few of the potential repercussions of abortion--perforation of the uterus, heavy, excessive bleeding, incomplete abortions that require more surgery, infection of the uterus, scarring and death.

Sounding the alarm, Carminthia Moore shared that the Black community is not having enough children to replace themselves. When pregnant with her daughter, she was told her baby had died in her womb and was scheduled for an abortion to remove the remains. Carminthia was called delusional because she didn't believe she had miscarried. Before the procedure to remove her child, she requested a transvaginal ultrasound. Her daughter, who was with her on Saturday was alive!

Transitioning between jobs and health insurance, Surrea Ivey was told Planned Parenthood offered healthcare services. However, before any services were given, she was asked if she wanted to terminate her pregnancy. Once the test showed she was indeed pregnant, they would not allow her husband in the room with her nor would they let her leave. Only when Surrea threatened to call the police for kidnapping did they let her out of the room. Her daughter is now five years old.

Rejecting Planned Parenthood's willful and deliberate acts to destroy Black life in America, April Chapman took issue with Kamala Harris, Raphael Warnock and Darshun Kendricks for supporting and propagating the genocide of Black babies in the womb. They, in partnership with Planned Parenthood, she said, "have purposely and maliciously targeted Black women and marketed abortion in such a way that our population will no longer sustain itself because we are not having enough children." Attendees called on America to join them in rejecting Planned Parenthood's Negro Project and ending their decades long attack against Black women and their children.