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Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - 04:19 PM


First Published in 1994


Bidens War on Children

After four years of the most pro-life administration ever, we knew what was coming when Joe Biden was elected President: all all-out war on children.  Presidential candidate Joe Biden made it clear that he would be a champion for abortion and support transgenderism in children. This set the foundation of what was to come. Children both inside and outside the womb would not be safe as long as Biden is in office. 

In Biden’s first days in the White House, he repealed the Mexico City Policy, an executive order that prevented taxpayer funds to promote abortion overseas. A Marist poll shows that 77% of Americans opposed this action. However, the Biden administration has never been in-tune with the will of the American people.

Then, he appointed pro-abortion advocate Xavier Becerra to the position of Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS). Of course, Planned Parenthood was thrilled at the news. Secretary Becerra has lived up to the abortion giant’s expectations as well.

Just months after Trump’s Department of Justice (DOJ) sued a Vermont hospital for forcing a nurse to perform an abortion that violated her conscience, the Biden DOJ dismissed the case. Our lawmakers could not let this go unnoticed. Over 80 legislators sent a letter to HHS and DOJ stating:

“Your handling of this case is a profound miscarriage of justice and a rejection of your commitment to enforce federal conscience laws for Americans of all religious beliefs and creeds — and especially for doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals who object to abortion. Your actions signal to employers all around the country that they don’t need to comply with the law because your agencies will not enforce it. They also signal that this administration would rather allow consciences to be violated at the behest of the abortion lobby rather enforce the law and protect religious liberty. We demand a full explanation of your agencies’ actions.”

Since the DOJ and HHS were on a roll with suppressing American freedoms, they decided to sue the state of Texas over their Heartbeat law. Texas’s Governor Greg Abbott signed into law a bill that bans abortions after a baby’s heartbeat is detected in most circumstances.  This sent Democrats into a tizzy because, not only did it hinder their abortion agenda, but the state was passing their own laws in which the Biden administration has tried to stop.  The Supreme Court slapped down an emergency injunction filed by Whole Women’s Health to prevent the law from moving forward.  Then, the DOJ Secretary Merrick Garland announced their suit last week falsely claiming that abortion is a woman’s constitutional right.

The Biden administration has made it clear that if they can’t snuff out life at the beginning, they can still find a way to pervert childhood. Biden has instructed all federal agencies to redefine “sex” to include “gender identity.” This violates the First Amendment rights of all medical professionals. The American College of Pediatricians, the Catholic Medical Association, and an OB-GYN who specializes in caring for children teamed up to sue the administration. Alliance Defending Freedom’s attorneys stepped in to represent them. ADF’s Senior Counsel Ryan Bangert stated:

The law and the medical profession have long recognized and respected the biological differences between boys and girls and the unique needs they each present in health care. Forcing doctors to prescribe transition hormones for 13-year-olds or perform life-altering surgeries on adolescents is unlawful, unethical, and dangerous. President Biden’s Health and Human Services department is grossly overreaching its authority and, in so doing, putting children’s psychological and physical health in danger. Our clients are rightfully objecting on medical, ethical, religious, and conscientious grounds to this unlawful government mandate to provide gender-transition procedures.

While we watch these horrendous policies roll out on top of the lack of regard for children who are trafficked at the border, who are being killed in Afghanistan because of Biden’s carelessness, and who are being indoctrinated in our public education system, we have no choice but to fight for the future of our country. Our first line of defense is in the home.  Teach your children the truth and how to protect the most vulnerable among us. Then, make your voice heard. Use your time and resources to attend school board meetingscampaign for solid candidatescontact your representativesvote for those who will stand up for truth, and have civil conversations with those around you. Eagle Forum can equip you to do all of these things, so check out our website to learn more!