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Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - 04:16 PM


First Published in 1994


Refugee Crisis at Border

After 8 months of the Biden administration, the crisis at the border still remains. The President and Vice President’s silence on this matter speaks volumes about their carelessness. Not only have they made conservatives mad by reversing Trump-era border security measures, but they are making the left mad by not providing mass amnesty to illegal immigrants. The do-nothing White House isn’t boding well on this matter.

President Biden started off his tenure in office by championing the left’s agenda by reversing ten immigration orders issued by President Trump and added two of his own. This significantly weakened border security and incentivized immigrants to flood the United States’ borders. Then, the number of children coming into the U.S., many unaccompanied, came to light. Thousands were being held in cramped shelters without basic necessities, something that the Trump administration was condemned for doing.

Thankfully, the Supreme Court stepped in to rule that the Biden administration violated federal law by stopping the Remain in Mexico program. This program requires asylum seekers migrating from countries in which they would have to travel through Mexico first to stay there until their request is approved. The alternative is allowing immigrants to roam the U.S. with no incentive to show up to be deported if their request is denied.

The Biden administration has been in no hurry to enforce the Remain in Mexico program, though. Last week, over 16,000 Haitian refugees flooded the U.S. border in Del Rio, Texas. Pictures surfaced of Haitians traveling from Mexico and camping under the Del Rio International Bridge waiting to be processed. The federal government was silent at first leaving the state to clean up the mess. The residents of Del Rio are understandably outraged. Some of the buses used to transport immigrants are owned by the local school district which has caused an uproar among parents concerned for their children’s health. Disgusted about Vice President Harris’ lack of action, Del Rio Mayor Bruno Lozano, a Democrat, tweeted:

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has spent billions of state dollars trying to secure the border. He had some relief under the Trump administration with new border wall construction. However, that stopped as soon as Biden took office. Abbott has requested a federal emergency declaration from President Biden. While the Governor is diverting as many resources as he can to the border, at some point, the President needs to own the mess he created.

The federal government finally acted this week. The border is officially closed, and some immigrants are being deported. The Biden administration expects the number of flights sending Haitians home will reach six per day. The hypocrisy of the left has been evident through these measures. The same party who continuously spread fear of mass deportation during Trump’s four years as president is now justifying their own actions of sending thousands of immigrants away.

Meanwhile, Senate Democrats are trying to find ways to provide amnesty for illegal immigrants in the recent budget reconciliation bill. Their plan was to grant permanent residence for “Dreamers” (children who were brought into the United States illegally by their parents), agriculture workers, and refugees who were granted Temporary Protected Status. This would give green cards to 8 million immigrants and cost Americans $140 billion. Fortunately, the Senate parliamentarian blocked this effort due to the provisions being more of a policy change than solely a fiscal matter. Democrats are still looking into alternative ways to push these measures through.

Eagle Forum will continue to monitor the left’s attempts to sneak mass amnesty into bills. We also encourage our allies in Congress to keep shedding light on the crisis at the border. We are hopeful that the failed policies of the Biden administration will usher in a conservative majority in both the House and Senate and eventually, the White House.


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