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Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - 04:22 PM


First Published in 1994


WASHINGTON -- The news conference will be on Monday, October 4, at 10:00 a.m. in front of the Supreme Court.

The news conference is sponsored by Stanton Public Policy Center/Purple Sash Revolution.

Stanton Public Policy Center/Purple Sash Revolution is a women's advocacy and educational group that works on issues of human rights and justice which empower and inspire women. It is affiliated with Stanton Healthcare which has life-affirming women's health clinics in America and internationally.

Brandi Swindell, Founder and CEO of Stanton Healthcare, states:

"As an advocate for women, human rights and justice, I am thrilled the tragic history of abortion violence in America, created by Roe v. Wade, is coming to an end in the Dobbs case. Our nation is now embracing the truth that unfettered access to abortion for the full 9 months of pregnancy does not uplift women or advance justice and equality.

"After Roe v. Wade is dismantled, the pro-life community looks forward to working state by state to ensure abortion violence comes to an end. We will continue to offer women with unexpected pregnancies professional and compassionate healthcare as well as physical and emotional support for their family.

"The pro-life community is excited about a Post-Roe America where all life will be treated with dignity."

Rev. Patrick Mahoney, Chief Strategy Officer for Stanton Public Policy Center, comments:

"Dr. Martin Luther King said, 'no lie can live forever' and 'the Arc of the Moral Universe is long, but it bends toward justice.' With Dobbs v. Jackson, we are seeing the 'lie' of abortion' and Roe v. Wade coming to an end and America 'bending' toward justice."

"The greatest strength of the pro-life community has always been our grassroots energy and engagement. Therefore, we welcome a Post-Roe America where we will passionately work state by state to end abortion and continue to provide support and care for mothers and their children.

"The pro-life/human rights community will never rest or be silent until abortion ends up on the scrapheap of history like chattel slavery and segregation. We are thrilled to see Roe v. Wade and the violent legacy it created coming to an end."

For more information or interviews contact: Rev. Patrick Mahoney at: 540.538.4741. www.PurpleSashRevolution.com