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Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - 04:16 PM


First Published in 1994


Democrats are refusing to give up on passing a bill to overtake our election process. They know their majority is on the line in the upcoming November 2022 election, so they are trying their best to secure their regime. In an appeal to Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV), who had reservations about S.1 (For the People Act), Senate Democrats have conjured up another election reform bill.

Dems are calling the Freedom to Vote Act (S. 2747) the “Manchin Compromise.” However, it still takes away individual and state freedoms, and the 600-page bill is not much of a compromise. Many of the same S.1 provisions are still in the bill like same-day voter registration (even for illegal immigrants), voting rights for felons, donor disclosures, and restrictions on free speech. 

The “compromise” portion comes with strings attached. Voter identification would be required federally where the state law allows for it, but there is a wide range of documents that could be used. Plus, no identification would be necessary for mail-in ballots. Voters would not automatically be sent a ballot but could request an absentee ballot for any reason. Worse of all, the federal funding of congressional candidates still remains even though a state could opt-out. Conservatives in blue states would be forced to give their taxpayer funds to candidates they disagree with. 

National Chairman of the Election Transparency Initiative and former Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli summed up the bill perfectly by saying:

They’re at it again — Democrats have unveiled yet another new, deceptively named bill, but they’re still attempting to force the same dangerous provisions and partisan objectives on the American people. …The reality is that voter integrity protects the right to vote and have one’s ballot counted fairly and openly. But for some reason, Democrats want to undermine this integrity.

This federal power grab would destroy all election integrity!  Call or email your Senators today to ask them to vote NO on the Freedom to Vote Act (S. 2747).


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