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Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - 02:44 PM


First Published in 1994


Democrats Belittle Women through Abortion

Early next year, the Supreme Court will decide two cases that are likely to change the nation’s abortion laws. Last week, SCOTUS heard oral arguments on the Texas Heartbeat Bill. The second case, Dobbs v. Louisiana, is set to be heard on December 1. In response, Democrats are trying harder than ever to “normalize” their abortion agenda.

A few days following the oral arguments on the Texas legislation, the House Judiciary held a hearing on the bill. During this hearing, convened by Republican Mike Johnson (R-LA), two Democrat witnesses offered smug and disrespectful responses to simple “yes” or “no” questions. At one point, Johnson asked, “Is it ok to murder a 10-year old child?” Instead of answering the question, the witness replied, “No one should be forced to remain pregnant if they don’t want to.”

Later in this exchange, Johnson pressed her on whether or not later-term abortion is ok. The witness finally confirmed that liberals are actively advocating for infanticide by responding, “anybody should have the right to have an abortion at any time and for any reason.” Lastly, when he asked whether “abortion kills something that’s alive,” another witness responds with, “Sir the way you are asking these questions actually intentionally invite violence and harassment to both of us.” For the full effect of this exchange, please view the full questioning here.

Liberals have moved from insisting that abortion must be “safe, legal and rare” to actively advocating the radical position that women are “entitled” to abortion at every stage of pregnancy.

Last Saturday, “Saturday Night Live” cast member Cecily Strong appeared on the purported comedy show dressed as a clown to talk about her abortion at the age of 23. Strong used the character to spout off several abortion data points like, “one in three clowns will have an abortion in her lifetime.” She even explained that “I know I wouldn’t be a clown on TV if it weren’t for the abortion I had…”  Whether dressed as a clown or appearing before Congress, liberals, continue to perpetuate the misogynist lie that women can’t achieve great things without abortion!

At Eagle Forum, we are committed to showing women the truth. Women do not need abortion to be successful!

We will never stop fighting to defend women and the preborn. Please join us in praying for positive, life-affirming outcomes in both of these Supreme Court cases!