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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 06:19 PM


First Published in 1994


Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio has Formed ‘Cold Case Posse’ to Investigate President’s Eligibility

Jerome-CorsiThe Times Examiner had an opportunity to discuss current events with Dr. Jerome R. Corsi prior to his presentation at Furman University, Monday evening. During the discussion, he received a phone call regarding his conversation with Arizona Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio that morning.

When asked if he thought Obama would prevail through the 2012 election, Dr. Corsi said in his view “there is a fifty-fifty chance” that the powers that be in the Democrat party will convince Obama to withdraw from the race. He believes the logical replacement would be Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Dr. Corsi is senior staff reporter for World Net Daily, and author of the New York Times best-sellers,  “Where’s the Birth Certificate,” “The Obama Nation,” and “Unfit for Command,” about presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry.

Corsi has been the lead investigative reporter in uncovering falsehoods regarding the true identity and origin of President Barack Obama. His personal inquiries have taken him from Hawaii to Kenya.

While numerous court cases and investigations regarding President Obama’s eligibility are taking place across the nation, Dr. Corsi is especially interested and encouraged by the actions of Sheriff Arpaio in Arizona.

Sheriff Arpaio has formed a five-member “Cold Case Posse” to investigate the authenticity of Barack Obama’s Birth Certificate. In a recent article for World Net Daily, Dr. Corsi described the “cold case posse” as a “posse within a posse” consisting of “volunteers with professional experience in conducting investigations, including individuals chosen because of their professional backgrounds in law enforcement, as well as lawyers who have participated in criminal and civil cases and individuals with specialized skills in fields ranging from accounting to conducting criminal forensic examinations.” World Net Daily reported that Sheriff Arpaio is responding to a complaint brought to the Sheriff by the Surprise Tea Party in Surprise, Arizona. They reportedly expressed in writing their concerns that the  voting rights of Maricopa County residents may have been compromised if Obama used a forged birth certificate to establish his eligibility under Article 1, Section 2, of the Constitution.

Asked about the Republican presidential candidates, Dr. Corsi believes others will join the race soon. He is skeptical of Governor Perry because of his affiliation with the CFR and other organizations favoring open borders and world government and other issues that have been discussed during recent debates. Romney is an alternative who has problems with the health care program he promoted and established as Governor of Massachusetts. His conclusion was that any one of the Republicans could defeat Obama if he stays the course.

Dr. Corsi was introduced by Furman University’s Conservative Students for a Better Tomorrow CEO Stephen Sebastian and Chief Academic Officer Mary Ann Sane. Discussing the liberal environment at Furman, Sebastian said a university poll revealed that 87 percent of the Furman faculty voted for Obama.

Dr. Corsi discussed one of his earlier books: America for Sale. He said the current economic crisis is not an accident but was intentionally brought on by “Globalists.” He said globalists are active on both the left and right of the political spectrum. He listed George Soros, Zbigniew Brzezinski, David Rockefeller, and Henry Kissinger. He said Globalists tend to see borders separating nations as “artificial” and a “nuisance.”

Dr. Corsi proposed a possible solution of emerging from our problems as something he called “decession,” in which the states would assert their ninth and tenth amendment rights and “tell the feds we don’t want your health care or involvement in our schools.”

If that does not work, he suggests secession, a term familiar to students of  South Carolina History.

Dr Corsi observed that “the United States is closer to breaking up than at any time in my life.” He is concerned that a financial collapse is imminent. To be prepared, he urges Americans to focus on finding a good community, strengthen the family and get back to fundamentals through the church.