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Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - 02:43 PM


First Published in 1994


Capitol Money Spending

Instead of giving the American people gifts for Christmas this year, House Democrats are giving us a bill for all of their reckless spending. The House is poised to vote on Biden’s $1.75 trillion Build Back Better Agenda in the next week.

As the pork-filled bipartisan infrastructure bill passed through the Senate in August, Democrats saw this as a slam dunk. Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) expected the passage of this bill to be business-as-usual. The House has easily passed their agenda since gaining the majority. She believed that an infrastructure bill would prove that Democrats are working for the American people and usher in Democrat victories in state elections.  Pelosi couldn’t have been more wrong.

At the same time, House progressives were busy working behind the scenes on Biden’s Build Back Better Agenda. They included big ticket items like paid family leave, universal pre-K, Green New Deal policies, and amnesty measures. Other Democrats agreed on some, but not all.  The price tag was jolting to moderates in the Senate like Senators Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ). In order for progressives to get their way, they held the Senate-passed infrastructure bill hostage until their spending package was guaranteed a vote.

This tactic actually worked in favor of Republicans. Gubernatorial candidates such as Terry McAuliffe in Virginia who based a large portion of his campaign on federal wins, didn’t have much to tout.  It only highlighted the dysfunction of Democrat leadership in Washington, D.C. While campaigning for McAuliffe, Vice President Kamala Harris stated, “What happens in Virginia will, in large part, determine what happens in 2022, 2024, and on.” She was right. With Republicans winning the offices of Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Attorney General as well as at least fifty Virginia House seats, we can expect Republicans to gain back the majority in the U.S. House in 2022.

After such a massive defeat, House Progressives were willing to negotiate.  A few items were stripped out like the 25% capital gains tax on businesses and farms, Green New Deal policies in schools, subsidized union dues, and socialist healthcare policies.  However, many “woke” items still remain.  This bill still furthers the border crisis, continues the biggest inflation surge in thirty years, and gives wealthy Americans tax credits while poor and middle-class Americans are taxed even more.

While Democrats have been whipping votes over the last week, the final bill, H.R. 5376, was been submitted to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) who will inform the American people of the estimated cost of all provisions. Some estimates have already been released, but the final tally is expected by Friday. The CBO analysis is already making the White House nervous by countering their claim that it’s fully “paid for.” In an attempt to save face, White House deputy press secretary said the CBO does not have the “experience” to score the Build Back Better Act. That’s quite an absurd comment in light of the White House’s inability to perform basic math.

The Build Back Better Act is expected to move through the House before Thanksgiving. Eagle Forum has notified House members that we will score against the bill’s passage. You can also contact your representative to urge them to vote in opposition by visiting our website here. Once the bill moves to the Senate, we will have another opportunity for you to contact your Senator as well.