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Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - 02:38 PM


First Published in 1994


Men and Women Symbols

Eagle Forum has long been opposed to efforts by Congress to enact the Equality Act. If enacted and signed into law the Equality Act will amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI).

The Equality Act is harmful to women. If signed into law, the legislation will grant men the right to sue if they are denied equal access to women’s private spaces such as showers, bathrooms, and nursing rooms. These men will also have access to women’s prisons and shelters. Women’s athletics will be dominated by men. In addition, SOGI ideology would impose on businesses and strip individuals of their religious freedoms. Religious adoption and foster agencies are some of the institutions that are currently being targeted. In the case of Sharon Fulton, et al. v. City of Philadelphia, the city government stopped placing foster children in homes that partnered with Catholic Social Services based on their policy of placing children in homes where the marital unit is one man and one woman. This not only undercuts the services of the organization but disadvantages the children in need of loving homes.

This case is evidence of the wide-spread consequences that proponents of “equality” legislation choose to ignore. Thankfully on June 17, 2021, the Supreme Court unanimously ruled in favor of Sharon Fulton, which allowed her to continue her partnership with the Catholic foster ministry. We are sure that cases like this will continue to pop up!

Given that the Equality Act has the potential to undermine religious freedom, an alternative piece of legislation has been touted as the path forward by a relatively small group of Republicans. The Fairness for All Act or FFA is essentially the Equality Act with a religious liberty carve out. It adopts the reasoning of the Equality act and accepts that a disagreement pertaining to the nature of marriage and the biology of sex are grounds for discrimination. It is a slippery slope to accept the underlying message of the equality act — that one can determine his or her own gender and indeed change it when one so desires.

Indeed, The Fairness for All Act is still harmful to women and girls. Women and girls will suffer in the name of “equality,” the same way they will through the enactment of the Equality Act. The Fairness for All Act is not a safer alternative.

Sadly, this legislation has garnered the support of twenty-two House Republicans! You can view the full list here. Eagle Forum will continue to monitor the Fairness for All Act. Please be sure to sign up for our legislative alerts so that you can sound the alarm when we need your help.