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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 08:26 AM


First Published in 1994


Fauci Fasley Financials

In January, our auditors at OpenTheBooks.com investigated Dr. Anthony Fauci. We discovered Fauci was the #1 most highly compensated federal employee. Our findings, published at Forbes, were national and international news. However, we had a lot more questions.

We filed a Freedom of Information Act request for Dr. Fauci’s employment documents. We requested Fauci’s employment contract and all modifications, amendments, addendums; job description; and financial and conflict-of-interest disclosures.

It has been a nine-month battle. The National Institutes of Health, an agency of Health and Human Services, failed to comply with our three FOIA requests so, together with Judicial Watch — an organization which also fights for accountability and integrity in law, politics and government — we filed a federal FOIA lawsuit to force the Fauci paperwork into the sunshine.

It’s an important case and the agency is acting like they have a lot to hide. In June, we emailed Dr. Fauci directly at his agency and alerted him to the breach of FOIA law. Fauci ignored our email.

Among the few documents the agency did release, we learned that Dr. Fauci received a big pay hike for his biodefense research activities. In other words, Fauci was paid to prevent future pandemics.

The documents released to our non-profit organization OpenTheBooks.com reveal that Dr. Fauci was approved for a “permanent pay adjustment” in excess of his regular salary in December 2004.

From 2004 through 2007, Fauci received a 68-percent pay increase from $200,000- to $335,000-a year. This award was permanent and carried forward through 2020.

Fauci’s permanent pay raise was to “appropriately compensate him for the level of responsibility… especially as it relates to his work on biodefense research activities.”

Fauci funded research that was actually creating pandemic pathogens in labs that, if leaked or if fell into the wrong hands, might create the very human pandemic they were trying to prevent.

So, did the “firefighters” become the arsonists?

We hope our lawsuit sheds more light on Dr. Anthony Fauci and his activities.

“Anthony Fauci wields unrivaled political power in our federal government, so it is urgent the American people have full access to his financial disclosures,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “That we had to file a federal lawsuit about Dr. Fauci’s financial disclosures and other basic employment information raises a host of concerning questions.”

No one is above the law including Dr. Anthony Fauci. It shouldn’t take a subpoena or a lawsuit to force open basic employment documents that executive-level federal bureaucrats are required by law to file.


Adam Andrzejewski is CEO & Founder of OpenTheBooks.com and Author, Operation: Drain The Swamp, an Encounter Broadside publication.