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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 06:22 PM


First Published in 1994


South Carolina will Retain “First in the South” Primary and Host “First in the South” Republican Debate with FOX News

The South Carolina Republican Party has set Saturday, January 21st as GOP Presidential Preference Primary date. The state party made the move from February because Florida jumped ahead of the South Carolina original date in violation of party rules.

With the date change, South Carolina will remain “First in the South” following only Iowa and New Hampshire.

Florida will lose half of its 99 delegates by making the move. South Carolina will also lose half of its delegates by moving to stay ahead of Florida.

“I think they (Florida) ought to  lose all of their delegates. It should be such that candidates look at it and go, ‘Should I really go and spend all that money,” Connelly said Monday.

Connelly spoke at the Greenville County GOP Executive Committee meeting Monday night. Asked about who will pay for the primary, he said the Republican Party would pay. He went on to say that the state would pay part and that he would raise money to pay the remainder.

After the meeting, Joe Dill, a member of Greenville County Council and president of the South Carolina Association of Counties said, after hearing Connelly he still does not feel assured that the counties are not going to be stuck with part of the bill.

Greenville County Council was planning to consider joining Spartanburg in threatening legal action during their Tuesday meeting if they did not have firm assurances that Counties will be given funds to pay for what now appears to be an unfunded mandate.