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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 04:12 PM


First Published in 1994


2022 Election Red Wave

The U.S. House of Representatives has operated under Democrat reign for three years now, and the bills that have come up for a vote have been atrocious. We’ve seen legislation that gives the federal government more power over states’ rights, bills that expand abortion rights, and language that erases women through the Equal Rights Amendment and transgender ideology. The spending bills over the last two years have contributed to fifty-four percent of the federal deficit. The American people are seeing this and want change.

Currently, Democrats have an eight-seat majority in the House and the Senate is currently tied with the Vice President giving Democrats the majority. All House seats are up for election in 2022 as well as thirty-four Senate seats. While the eight seats in the House may be easy to overcome, the fight for the Senate may be more difficult. The Cook Political Report rates three races as toss-ups and six races as leans to one party or another. This means that the outcomes of these nine races are questionable. With such a tiny margin at stake, our votes count more than ever.

A recent Quinnipiac University poll exposed how unhappy Americans are with the federal government. The survey found that forty-six percent of registered voters want to see a Republican majority in both the House and Senate. A majority of those voters also expressed that the Democrat party has moved too far to the left. Other polls have shown the unpopularity of the Biden administration just within the first year. These sentiments are sure to usher in a red wave in 2022.

The 2021 Virginia state elections were just a peek into the future. Concerned parents flipped the state from blue to red by electing Republicans to the offices of Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Attorney General as well as many statehouse seats. Other states are seeing this too. People are tired of their kids being subjected to political ideology in the classroom or being forced to get a vaccine they are uncomfortable with just to put food on the table. They are ready for policies that give them back their freedoms and rights.

Eagle Forum is working hard to secure Republican wins for the 2022 election cycle. As candidates are announcing their races, we are carefully vetting their platforms through our Political Action Committee (PAC). Each candidate under consideration must complete our extensive questionnaire and have a personal interview with one of Eagle Forum’s leaders. If the candidate is an incumbent, they must have a conservative voting record as reflected by our scoreboard. We take into consideration the values being espoused by the candidate, their experience, and the race’s dynamics. The PAC’s board of directors then votes on the endorsement and decides on a monetary gift toward the campaign.

Because of Eagle Forum’s powerful presence across the nation, our endorsement could be the deciding factor for a candidate’s election victory. Last year, Eagle Forum endorsed twelve candidates for U.S. House and Senate ahead of their general elections and ten of those candidates won. We hope that we can expand those numbers this coming year to make a bigger impact on our nation. If you would like to be part of these efforts and give toward our PAC.

If you are running for a political office and would like to be considered for an Eagle Forum endorsement, please fill out our candidate questionnaire here.

Eagle Forum will keep you updated on the status of races and our endorsement. We hope that a conservative Republican majority will return to both the House and Senate in order to thwart Biden’s agenda.