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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 06:18 PM


First Published in 1994


Senator David Thomas  First Recipient of Dubious “Honor”

Harry-Kibler---1-Column“When I read a USA Today article disclosing that Senator David Thomas was collecting more than triple his regular legislator’s salary  by opting to take his $32,390 annual retirement benefit instead of a legislator’s $10,400 annual salary. But continue to ‘serve’ and collect an additional $20,000 for in-district expenses and per Diem, I thought that my organization could help him understand the true meaning of retirement,” said RINO Hunt founder Harry Kibler.

RINO Hunt hosted a “retirement” party for Sen. Thomas at Chiefs Wings and Firewater with a decorated cake and an oversized card to be signed by attendees.

Kibler said the card, along with an engraved gold pocket watch, would be presented to Thomas at  the appropriate time.

“Maybe it’s a simple matter of no one ever throwing him a retirement party and that is why he does not understand that he should actually retire,” Kibler added with tongue in cheek.”So my organization gave him a retirement party with food and fun.”

Senator Thomas did not attend the event, but two attendees represented his interests by persistently sniping at Jim Lee, his announced opponent in the 2012 Republican Primary.

Kibler made it clear that he was not singling out Senator Thomas.

“Senator Thomas is not alone in this sham that he and other incumbent legislators cooked up. They get a sweet retirement deal; better than state employees. And they hardly work for it, as is evident by the financial mess our state is in.”

Kibler  announced that “This is the first of many retirement parties that RINO Hunt plans to host for individuals who are ripping off taxpayer dollars by creating laws that benefit only them. We intend to host other ‘retirement’ parties and educate the public on yet another abuse of taxpayer dollars,” the founder of RINO Hunt concluded.