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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 06:24 PM


First Published in 1994


The white liberal elite power structure has been able to control and use black Americans for so long by rewarding their “leaders,” that they cannot allow an independent self-made black conservative to achieve prominence. That is why they continue to attempt to destroy Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and why they must attempt to destroy Herman Cain. They see a black man that could become President of the United States and “upset their apple cart.” He understands their game. He saw through their promises and deception. He was able to escape their trap.

Herman Cain would have the potential to lead thousands of black Americans out of bondage and a form of slavery that is seductive, deceptive and habit forming – slavery that is destroying the black family and handicapping their children.

The first victim of the liberal attempt to destroy conservatives was Judge Bork. Liberals were able to heap false accusations and half-truths at him in the media to the extent that the Senate failed to confirm his appointment to the Supreme Court – hence the term “Borking.”

The liberal media is unintentionally making a political hero of Herman Cain. He has received television airtime he could not afford to purchase. The liberal propaganda mill Politico circulated a report that Cain, as CEO of the National Restaurant Association, had been accused of “sexual harassment.” They provided neither specifics nor the names of the accusers. The media sharks began to circle and repeat the accusations.

The more vicious their verbal attacks the higher Cain rises in the polls and the more financial contributions he receives. During the past week, it was almost as if the other candidates did not exist. The subject of virtually every television news report was Herman Cain. The uninvited attention gave the electorate a closer look at the businessman running for president and many like what they have seen.

What they see is an intelligent, wise, articulate, experienced, mature-thinking man with sensible ideas for solving the problems government political leaders have been unable to solve using politically correct methods.

Amy Woods, writing for Newsmax on Friday, said the media is “heading into damage control over the Herman Cain sexual harassment allegations in light of a recent poll that shows 70 percent of Republicans believe the claims are immaterial to the presidential candidate’s campaign.”

Radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh called the story an “empty scandal.” Limbaugh said if someone had brought a story like that to Wesley Pruden, Editor Emeritus of the Washington Times, Pruden “would have thrown them down the steps, and if they survived that, he would have fired them. Think of all the news stories there have been and there is yet to be a report of what he did.”

During his Friday program, Limbaugh concluded: “Every Republican nominee… is so superior to Barack Obama, it’s laughable, and the Democrats know that Politico failed. You Failed. You attempted, along with others in the mainstream media to take a guy out, and you failed.”

A Saturday night discussion between Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich before a patriotic organization in Texas was televised by C-SPAN. The discussion on important topics allowed the viewer to get a good look at the knowledge and wisdom of both candidates.

At the conclusion of the program, the moderator gave each candidate an opportunity to pose a question to the other. Gingrich asked Cain what was the biggest surprise he has had during the campaign?

Cain responded that it was the “nitpicking” by the media. He went on to say that too many people in the media are simply dishonest and are performing a disservice to the American people.

Cain does not have the support of the GOP “establishment.” They may help the liberals “bork” this able but imperfect patriot.