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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 06:26 PM


First Published in 1994



Tommy’s Ham House in Greenville, South Carolina, was the site of the most probing interview of Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich to date.

The candidate, whose South Carolina campaign staff had abandoned him more than a month earlier, had found new life through his performance in the televised debates and rocketed to the top of South Carolina and national polls.

Gingrich clearly picked up some of the support of Herman Cain supporters as  women continued accusing Cain of questionable behavior. He also garnered the support given Governor Perry in the early days of his campaign that was launched in South Carolina and fizzled due to the image left in the minds of supporters due to mistakes during the televised debates and hammering by the media.

Hannity asked about many of the stories that have tarnished the Gingrich image since he was Speaker of the House and before.

Hannity asked about the story that has persisted for more than a decade that Gingrich had served divorce papers on his first wife while she was “on her death bed with terminal cancer.”

Gingrich said their daughter has written an explanation of what happened, with the consent of her mother, and it is on Newt’s web site.

The truth is, according to Gingrich, the first wife is still living. She served Newt with divorce papers, not the other way around, and the story was fabricated by his political enemies.

The candidate has been married three times and admits that he has made some serious mistakes in his personal life, but says he now has good relations with his children and a stable marriage with his current spouse.

Gingrich spoke to a packed house for about an hour prior to the Hannity interview for broadcast Wednesday night. He answered numerous questions and also circulated through the crowd, shaking hands, giving autographs and posing for photographs.