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Wednesday, July 17, 2024 - 05:02 PM


First Published in 1994


Salti Sez Believe the UnbelievableELECTION DAY is here and I voted for President Trump at a pole more crowded than any I’ve ever voted at. The lines were two to three blocks long and parking places were blocks away. I’m writing this thirty minutes before the first national pole closes and an hour and a half before local poles close. The thinking is that early voting stats will be coming in first and may be favoring Biden while todays voting is likely to be supporting Trump. I expect voting fraud in prominent democratic arenas in an effort to steal this election. It is my understanding that at least one State is accepting votes where the signature does not match the voter’s name – at least that is what I heard. Most news media has lied to the people; presenting Biden as the good-old-buddy and Trump as the villain from hell.

Our educational organizations generally have taken the same approach and our legal system (FBI-CIA etc.) has failed to act on information that would reveal such lies to the people. Big Tech social media (Face Book, Twitter, etc.) uses its power to support the “Progressive” Party – once known as the Democrat Party. At this point only God knows how the dice will fall and how the cards are stacked. ….It is afternoon the day following the election and the winner has not been determined. Biden is ahead at the moment which appears unreal to this viewer – I cannot believe over half of the American public could vote for this Party’s leadership. ….Now it’s three days after the voting and the situation has grown worse for the conservative cause – which I might call the Christian’s preference. Are we to believe that Biden, who could not gather a hundred people to attend a speech, can garner the votes we are being told he has in those States where the President drew voters by the thousands? I’ll believe that when it snows on the Sahara desert or when the Atlantic Ocean becomes the Pacific. Pure reason tells us that what we are being told is impossible. President Trump and most of the Republican Party is gearing up to fight the Swamp’s corruption. Had our nation retained God as an ally we would not be experiencing this tyranny.