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Wednesday, July 17, 2024 - 04:43 PM


First Published in 1994


Salit SezI was getting ready to say we have lost the race, but I’m not quite sure yet. Some folks out there in never-never-land are saying we still have a chance to pull things off. Others are saying there’s no way. I strongly believe the Demos decided way back they were going to work a voter fraud that could not be discovered and the mail-in-votes were the perfect solution. That’s why they didn’t even run an election campaign…they were satisfied with their plan. God could undo that plan if He sees fit, but He may be thinking we don’t deserve another four years. Some strong Christians believe He still has a plan for Trump and Christians should be fervently praying that He strengthens Brother Trump and his team to reveal the evil the Biden team devised. Because the major media refuses to broadcast truth when they hear it many, many Americans are unaware of the true path the Biden Administration will take the country down. It will, in all probability, destroy the America that gives them their freedom and their prosperity. In my opinion the Democrat Party has evicted God from itself and desires to evict Him from the nation. The proposals they have offered to create their Utopia will create the road to Hell for We-the-People. Had Trump not won the last election we would already be on that road. Take a close look at what is happening in the States controlled by the Democrat Party and you will see a bit of what our nation will be going through. You will be told when you can go to work, to church etc., how many people may gather together and where. The corona virus was designed and released to give them the excuse they need to take control of your everyday living. Hearing Biden say we need to come together now and patch up our differences makes one wonder where he was during the last four years. My advice – keep praying! “Stand still and watch the deliverance of the Lord.” Exodus 14:13.