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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 04:20 AM


First Published in 1994


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It’s getting a bit harder to figure out what to talk about. Seems everybody just wants to lie to everybody else so nobody knows what’s really going on. And if somebody happens to tell the truth he’s called a racist or a no-good so-and-so who just can’t be trusted. Anybody who talks true enough and loud enough is apt to find himself cancelled. Which is about the next-best thing to being disposed. That thing called freedom of speech is being cancelled if you ask me. Along with it they are trying to cancel the Constitution, but they’ve been doing that, little by little, over the last hundred years. It’s just nobody pays much attention until it starts hurting the pocketbook. A lot of pocketbooks are starting to hurt and many Americans are waking up – perhaps a day late and a dollar short, as the saying goes.

One thing I’ve noticed is that many church Pastors have been allowing politics to creep into their sermons and other discussions. Many of them have also opened up on prophetic topics. In my opinion biblical prophecy has been an avoided topic far too long and in far too many churches. I think it was Billy Graham, some years ago, who said; preachers should preach with the Bible in one hand and the newspaper in the other” showing the people what’s going on and how it relates to scripture. I don’t want to call any names but there are a lot of good pastors out there and on the internet who are providing sermons well worth hearing if you want to check God’s point of view on these troubling times. If you are just checking the web routinely for prophecy preachers be careful and check to see if they are biblically accurate. Without mentioning names I can say one of my favorites can be reached at http://www.spiritandtruth.org/index.htm.

Another thing that troubles me is the “lock down” being imposed because of a pandemic that has not really lived up to its fear-mongering status. Coved-19 can be a serious infection for a lot of people, but we’ve had more serious epidemics in the past without lock-downs. We are being frightened into giving up our freedoms. Many years ago we were frightened into accepting a temporary income tax* -- think about that.  


*The Revenue Act of 1913, under Woodrow Wilson’s Administration, I have been told was sold to the American people as needful to help finance WWI, and would be aimed at the rich and not the working class. The monkey got his foot in the door.