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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 06:17 AM


First Published in 1994


Screenshot 2021 03 29 090449I live four or five miles from a gun store. Every time I drive by it all the parking space is filled up. Gun and ammunition sales are going crazy. And of course everyone knows the Democratic Party, and some Republicans, are working as hard as they can to rid us of our Constitutional Right to bear arms. They are playing the same game Hitler and Stalin and others like them played; first you must register the guns (learn who has them) then you take them away. All the studies I’ve heard about show that taking guns from the common people increases gun use by the criminals who rob and kill the defendless common people.

Then I hear people telling us we don’t need those hand-guns and heavy-duty rifles to go hunting. Do they really believe our Founding Fathers gave us the Second Amendment so we could go hunting? Then they need to be educated! Those Founding Fathers, who were well versed in human nature and the history of tyrannical governments, were providing protection for their new nation to defend itself against future assaults, foreign and domestic.

I understand that a number of States are now passing laws to give their citizens the right to carry arms without having to purchase a concealed-carry permit. They are calling these “Constitutional Carry Laws” – or something like that. I think what they are striving for is to strengthen the Second Amendment to the point that some agreement between our National Government and the United Nations would not give them the authority to take our guns. The Constitution is a contract between our government and the American people and was designed to restrict a governmental takeover of our God-given rights of Life, Liberty and the right to happiness (property). These Rights are Unalienable – which means they cannot be taken nor given away. The wording gives we the people, as well as the government, the responsibility to see that we retain these rights. My next question: why are those representatives in D. C. working so hard to get rid of our Second Amendment? Could it be they wish to replace our government with one that puts the power in their hands instead of the hands of We-the-People? Wouldn’t that be called tyranny?