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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 08:26 AM


First Published in 1994


Salti Sez 2021 04 05 093128GOD IS REAL And He is aware of everything and that means everything! We may wonder why He is permitting what is happening to our nation – and the world – but His word distinctly tells us that Satan is currently the ruler of this world and has authorities we probably don’t understand. How does one know this? One studies the Bible, His Word! It tells us that what is happening is going to happen and that before Christ returns things will continue to get worse – not better. That’s kinda hard to deal with isn’t it? We see things from a human point of view and often think we could run things better if we were in charge.

When we start trying things our way that’s when we really mess up. One has to remember that He told us to expect everything that’s going on and He told us thousands of years before it happened. The Bible is full of prophecies that have already occurred – sort of proves that He knew what He was talking about. That ought to tell us that those un-occurred prophecies will be coming as predicted. Our task then becomes to trust Him and stand firm. You know, He promised way back before Christ was born that He would be born of a virgin in Bethlehem – which happened. He also promised that Israel would be scattered across the world but would later be returned to its former homeland as a nation. Some people think that, which happened in 1948, was a miracle – it was just a promise being fulfilled. The books of Daniel and Revelation are full of prophecies that haven’t been fulfilled yet, but which appear to be coming soon.


Seems that lots of people these days don’t put much stock in the Bible, which has been the most printed book in the world, and still is. It may be the most criticized too, but there has never been any falsehoods found in the original scriptures. And when one thinks about how twelve Apostles spent their lives to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, knowing they would likely be killed for what they were doing, one must know they knew Christ was who He said He was. The New Testament they left us, along with the Old Testament they had, has to be the most costly book ever written and the greatest gift ever given.