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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 10:20 AM


First Published in 1994


Screenshot 2021 04 12 154726Some of us may remember Dr. Francis A. Schaeffer publishing a book titled “A Christian Manifesto” around 1982, perhaps to point out the great differences between Christianity and Humanism as presented in the Humanist Manifesto. He literally began by pointing out many of the problems he had observed in the western-culture’s churches. An early comment was “Christians, in the last 80 years or so, have only been seeing things as bits and pieces which have gradually begun to trouble them … he goes on to say we are missing the whole thing if we do not recognize these bits and pieces as a shift taking us from a Judeo-Christian World View to a Humanistic World View. He continues by defining Humanism as; “the man is the measure of all things.” (Sounds much like the culture we find in America today.)

He follows this with the commentary that the Judeo-Christian World View is: there is an infinite creator God who created and rules over the universe, while the humanist World View sees a Universe that was formed when material or/and energy shaped it by pure chance, which gives no meaning to life. To make life meaningful we must adhere to the Christian World View. I consider this conclusion accurate.

Looking back, I am saddened that we failed to follow our Founders’ advice to maintain the world view upon which our nation was founded. Perhaps prosperity was the stumbling-block that lured us from faithfulness. Ancient Israel tripped over that same stumbling-block several times, even turning to the worship of idols and the sacrifice of children to other gods. The Old Testament reveals this and the horrible prices they had to pay for their idolatry.  When people like Dr. Schaeffer, and a number of others, tried to lure us back into line, the opposition created the term conspiracy theorist – and we bought it. The current ruler of this world has always had his minions working very hard to prevent we-the-people from learning what he has planned. Recently, however, he has dropped his secrecy approach and is letting us see beyond the many illusions, half-truths, and diversions normally in use. He sees his time is running short and is moving faster and more openly in pursuit of his long-held goal of one-world-government, started by his buddy Nimrod – welcome to the New World Order. I really don’t think you are going to enjoy it, I know I won’t … unless that thing called the rapture comes pretty quick. Christians reading this will understand, non-believers will probably laugh – Esau traded his inheritance for a bowl of pottage, maybe we traded ours for vacant church pews.