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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 12:26 PM


First Published in 1994


Salty Sez 2021 04 19 094749You know, a couple of years ago I had hope the American people would awake to what had been going on for several decades and work to bring the nation back in line. A lot of them did. They went out and voted for President Trump for a second term. When that vote was stolen by a bunch of elected and appointed officials they didn’t know what to do. With Trump gone from the scene they had no leadership. We saw people sworn to defend and protect our Constitution from all attacks, domestic and foreign, become its attackers. Whoopee number 1! We saw Justices chosen to ensure its protection failing to take any action. Whoopee number 2! We saw a frustrated Military without the leadership or the gumption to move against the enemy. Whoopee number 3! Now we are watching as a nation commits suicide and we are wondering why.

O K, we found ourselves diverted by a pandemic that turns out to be not a pandemic. But our government and its agents lied enough to give us a panic-demic of fear, which many officials used and are using to tell us what we can and cannot do: like wear masks (that serve no real purpose), maintain a 6 foot distance from others (which is not a bad idea), restrict gatherings to no more than 10-12 people, etc. We are being taught to accept these restrictions on our freedoms. Something they never could have done without the fear factor. We are being made ready to accept a real takeover. Expect the Covid-19 to grow into a stronger virus soon. The fear factor has to be maintained. Only a few States are working to restore normal social activity. They will likely be the first targets for the stronger virus. What we are experiencing is chemical warfare, not accidental contamination. And beware the Vaccine Passport, it’s a giveaway of all freedom.

I remember attending a sermon in 2004 or 2005 during which the Pastor said the problems we are facing are the result of our having believed the lie rather than God’s word. That lie was endorsed by our government. I also remember the adage, “If the government comes and wants to help you, run as fast as you can.” Personally, I don’t believe anything this government is telling me. It is, in my opinion, being controlled by that father of lies called Satan.