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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 06:13 PM


First Published in 1994


Salty Sez 2021 04 26 093216It’s getting downright difficult to find a truthful website these days. It seems everybody wants to talk about the Covid virus and the several vaccines supposedly treating it. Hardly anybody calls the vaccines experimental – which is what all of them are. One thing you don’t hear about on-line or in the news is the real pandemic affecting our world, you just might hear a Pastor or two calling attention to it. It’s world-wide, touching every country and every person in some way or another. It’s the pandemic of SIN, and there’s only one vaccine that can cure it, His name is Jesus Christ. When you think about it, it’s far worse than Covid-19, or any other virus out there.

I hear some folk talking about an immunity to Covid being created by the virus itself through its massive progress among us. Seems like we might have developed an immunity to sin that way. One hardly ever hears anyone talking about sin these days. Even churches find it difficult to preach a sermon on sin, steps on too many toes. Now, when I was growing up there were lots of Pastors preaching sin and damnation, as they called it. Sort of made people sit up and take notice of things, even of things they might be doing themselves. Damnation is just a bad thing to have to think about. The so-called New-agers seem to think they’ve found a way of getting around sin. And I guess they’ve passed it on to most everybody in Washington, DC and to those one-percenters running big tech who are cancelling out most all the conservative thinkers. I’d like to tell them they haven’t actually gotten rid of sin, they’ve just been living in it so long they’ve forgotten what it is. Smoking and dancing and even taking a drink now and then is not what sin is really about, not unless that’s what one thinks about and does all the time. Sin is when you ignore the God who created you and fail to listen to the Word He sent you. But He fixed it so we can come back to Him and have all those sins forgiven. He loved us so much He sent His only begotten son, Christ Jesus, to take our sins and die on a cross to pay the price we owe for those sins. Christ paid it all as a gift to us, we just have to accept the gift and put our trust in Christ. If you haven’t tried it you ought to – just get your vaccination from sin – no needle required and it lasts forever.