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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 01:13 AM


First Published in 1994


"This movie will get out, and it will impact the world for righteousness and justice." -- Randall Terry

WASHINGTON -- Facebook, Google, and Yahoo have made a concerted effort to erase the highly acclaimed and controversial new documentary, Muhammad in His Own Words: The Founder of Islam Speaks.

Journalists, please check these simple facts for yourself.

Muhammad in His Own Words is written and directed by Randall Terry. It has been released for streaming on www.ChristianCinema.com.

Mr. Terry is well known for his pro-life work as the Founder of Operation Rescue.

He is also a filmmaker and scholar who holds a Masters Degree in Diplomacy with a Concentration in International Terrorism from Norwich University. Muhammad in His Own Words is the fruit of Mr. Terry's graduate research.

Facebook has cancelled Randall Terry's Facebook account because of the material in this film.

Google and Yahoo are taking similar steps in their news search engines.

When the query "Randall Terry" or "Muhammad in His Own Words" is put in the Yahoo search engine for news, the following messages come up:

"We did not find results for: 'Randall Terry.' Try the suggestions below or type a new query above."


"We did not find results for: 'Muhammad in His Own Words.' Try the suggestions below or type a new query above."

Background: News articles about Randall Terry have been found by the thousands in Yahoo News searches in the past. Now, NONE exist. They have all vanished.

In the Google search engine for NEWS, no press releases or news sites posting news regarding "Randall Terry" or "Muhammad in His Own Words" come up.

This is in spite of the fact that multiple press releases have been sent out, and multiple online news sites have posted those press releases on their sites.

The new movie, Muhammad in His Own Words can be seen on the digital movie platform, www.ChristianCinema.com.

Randall Terry states:

"As an internationally known Christian leader, I have been in thousands of news articles over the last 35 years. I've been on the front page of the New York Times and Washington Post; interviewed by Oprah, Donahue, Dan Rather, Leslie Stahl, and hundreds of other journalists.
"NEWS search engines had thousands of 'hits' on my name - 'Randall Terry' - until my research on Muhammad and Islamic terrorism started being covered in the news, and showing up on various search engines.
"Now I don't exist in Yahoo News, and I am being systematically expunged and erased by Google News.
"This is the type of godless news censorship we would expect under a tyrannical government, or in nation governed by Islamic Sharia Law. One wonders what Muslim activists or apologists are behind the suppression of the new movie Muhammad in His Own Words, and the effort to remove my name from NEWS search engines?
"Thankfully, ChristianCinema.com has not succumbed to the pressure to remove Muhammad in His Own Words.
"This movie will get out, and it will impact the world for righteousness and justice."