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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 05:21 PM


First Published in 1994


When baker Jack Phillips won his Supreme Court case this year, it was hugely important to religious liberty -- and, it turns out, a whole lot more.

Standing by his convictions wasn't always easy for Jack. He lost a big chunk of business and years of his life to the lawsuit brought by a same-sex couple. "And then there was the hate mail, nasty phone calls, and death threats pouring in," Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) points out. While the real-life drama played out in courtrooms across Colorado and D.C., the entire country watched -- including Jack's nephew, Sean.

In a heartwarming story from ADF's Sarah Kramer, Americans are learning about another victory that came from the Masterpiece case -- this one with eternal ramifications. While his Uncle Jack was going through one of the worst chapters of his life, Sean didn't have a personal relationship with Christ. He had a hard time understanding why the Phillipses were taking such a stand. "Jack could have been angry or bitter about the situation," Sarah writes. After all, he endured more than his share of hateful treatment.

Just watching it all unfold made Sean angry.

"But in observing and talking with Jack," Sarah explained, "he saw a quiet example of what it looks like to live a life in obedience to Christ. Over time, Sean let go of his anger. He dug into the Bible to understand the comfort that Jack had in Christ and how he could withstand such hardship with grace and peace. And eventually, God drew Sean to himself."

Jack's nephew gave his life to Christ. And, as others will tell you, he's a changed man. But he's not the only one. As Jack himself says, "[We've] been blessed to see countless other Christians, who've watched the effect of this case on our lives, stand up boldly and with greater confidence. Some weren't standing up at all, and now they are firm in God's teachings." That, more than anything, is deeply encouraging to the Phillipses. "...I think it is one of the most beautiful things that could happen to anyone in a similar situation -- to know that other people will be encouraged and, in turn, will encourage others. That really has made all of this worthwhile."

Tony Perkins' Washington Update is written with the aid of FRC senior writers.