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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 01:17 AM


First Published in 1994


HUNTINGTON BEACH, Calif. -- Professor and Harvard graduate William Jeynes is organizing a National Day of Repentance for Easter, Sunday, April 12th. He is contacting governors to announce the proclamation for their states, and religious leaders to make the proclamation for their houses of worship and denominations. He is hopeful that President Trump will make the declaration for the country. Jeynes asserts, "Government leaders are trying to limit the number of coronavirus cases, and especially the number of deaths.

Nevertheless, many experts are predicting that the number of deaths could exceed the number of Americans killed in the entire Vietnam War and perhaps even the Vietnam- and Korean- Wars combined. That is a tragedy no one wants. God is real and our nation's sins are many. As a nation, we need to call out to God and ask Him to intervene to help us and spare lives. The National Day of Prayer that President Trump proclaimed for this past March 15th was a major step in the right direction. However, we need to do more than that. In the Bible, for example, in Nehemiah Chapter 1, Nehemiah asked God to forgive the sins of the Israeli people. We need to do much the same for America."

Dr. Jeynes, along with another colleague, were the ones who first wrote to Secretary DeVos, in early March 2017, asking that the Trump Administration update federal guidelines for prayer- and religious liberties- in the schools. In that request, Dr. Jeynes and his colleague wrote up the first draft of those guidelines. Trump signed the final draft on January 16th of this year. Jeynes adds, "Humans are spiritual beings and prayer as a nation reawakens us to the need for God in our lives. We need His love. We need to cry out to God to inspire us to act out of love.

As a society, we have lost too much of our compassion toward the hurting and especially the unborn. When we lose our compassion, we also lose our humility and our ability to relate to others and their struggles. Yes, God may be angry at our self-centeredness, but whatever is going on spiritually we need to realize that we need Him. God created humans with the need to rely on Him. Even if we have run away from God, He will come running to us."

Dr. Jeynes is a professor at California State University in Long Beach and a Senior Fellow at the Witherspoon Institute in Princeton.