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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 05:17 AM


First Published in 1994


LOS ANGELES -- The mission for Redigging the Wells of Revival is to have solemn assemblies to pray and fast for revival in America. Twenty-Seven States in the US are hosting Re-digging the wells of Revival. The gatherings will be on September 26, 2020. Never in the history of our nation have we faced crisis after crisis and given that our nation has turned away from the God of the Bible, what America really needs is a spiritual awakening and a transforming revival.

This God given vision is based Genesis 26:18 where Isaac dug again the wells that were dug during the days of his father Abraham. Redigging the Wells of Revival is being stewarded by The Potter's Ministries based in San Jose, CA. The California gathering is going to be at the site of the Azusa Revival in Los Angeles. For more information on states that are hosting this gathering and a complete list of prayer leaders for this year's gathering in Los Angeles, CA visit www.wellsofrevival.us.

We thank God for our media partners GOD TV and BrioTV for carrying the gathering live from Azusa Street.

"Our only solution to the crisis that America faces is a transforming revival," said pastor Cyril Rayan who is the co-founder of The Potter's Ministries and the Blessing church in San Jose, CA. Pastor Jemima, co-founder of The Potter's Ministries said that "Our churches need to become houses of prayer for all nations.

For more information on The Potter's Ministries please visit www.pottersministries.org.

Lisa Hill, CEO of BrioTV said, "BrioTV is honored to stand with Redigging the Wells of Revival gathering to usher in the worldwide 'revival' as a media partner to take Jesus to the world."