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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 05:18 AM


First Published in 1994


SCOTTSDALE, Az. -- The Presidential Prayer Team, the national, nonpartisan prayer ministry for America and its leaders, announced today that, following a recent in-depth, national study on how Americans pray, The Presidential Prayer Team, is calling America to participate in a 100-minute prayer challenge over the 2020 elections.

The Presidential Prayer Team is providing a daily list of prayer points to guide America through ten minutes of prayer through the final ten days leading up to the 2020 election. While the nation struggles with division of mind and hearts, more Americans are "flexing" their "prayer muscles" in crying out to God on behalf of the nation and those who would be its leaders across the coming years.

Jim Bolthouse, president of the prayer team added, "The results from our national Vital Signs study shows us the critical need for prayer over this election. We believe the power of prayer will be seen through the change within America - one heart at a time."

Already, over 83,000 people have committed to be in dedicated, heartfelt prayer for ten minutes every day, lifting America up in over 1.5 years worth of prayer each day! The Presidential Prayer Team does not typically try to quantify prayer, because prayer is such a personal act that people take in their relationship with God, but it is hard to ignore the sheer volume of prayer that is shielding America.

It is important for fellow Americans to know they are not alone. Like Susan, a prayer team member in Connecticut, said, "I am so thankful to have heard of this prayer site through a friend. Now I know I am not alone in my many fervent prayers for our nation. Many like me are praying along even though unknown. Be encouraged! God is with us! God bless America!"

Rex, a prayer team member from Florida, also urged Americans to come together in prayer, "We're in a spiritual battle, and, as such, we must, collectively, all be in agreement that: God's in control, not man... that the battle has already been won... we must keep God and his angels, all out in front of us... and, Give God ALL the Glory... ALL the time."

Faithful prayer warriors can become a part of this significant effort for prayer at https://pray.team/PR1020

About The Presidential Prayer Team
Since its inception in 2001, The Presidential Prayer Team has become the nation's largest intercessory prayer movement. Regardless of party politics and ideology, The Presidential Prayer Team is dedicated to encouraging and facilitating prayer for the nation's president, political leaders, and military leaders. It seeks to ignite a lifestyle characterized by robust prayer based on its belief that prayer will transform the nation, one heart at a time.

More information about The Presidential Prayer Team and the national survey can be accessed at 
www.presidentialprayerteam.org or www.praythevote.org.