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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 05:14 AM


First Published in 1994


SCOTTSDALE, Az. -- An unbreakable chain of prayer has been surrounding the nation's election for the last several weeks as part of IPrayRadio.org. In that time, The Presidential Prayer Team captured and shared member prayers allowing anyone to listen and pray along. These prayers have surpassed two million listens as the people of America, and, indeed around the globe, have poured out their hearts to God on behalf of the nation and its leaders.

In addition to prayer over the future of our country, many of the prayers continue to focus on the presidential election process, its integrity and its outcome. President Trump and Vice President Pence as well as former Vice President Biden and Senator Harris are frequently prayed for in many of the shared prayers. Leading up to the election, over 88,306 prayer team members had pledged to pray for at least ten minutes each day.

Prayer team president James Bolthouse said,

"After listening to thousands of prayers from across the nation, I hear consistent themes for truth and love for our country. We believe that God directs the prayers of His people, and through this we can perhaps gain insight into God's plans and purposes for America. Many prayers also include a call for repentance in asking for God's will to be done in our country for His glory, and that our leaders will stay true to Godly principles consistent with His own character as He has revealed it in His Word, the Bible. It is a truly moving and spiritual experience listening to God's people pouring their hearts out, hearing that we are never alone, and I encourage all believers to join us in prayer."

IPrayRadio.org is an around-the-clock service where members can pray with other members and find encouragement to be drawn closer in their relationship with God. It is our hope that whether day or night Americans can easily pray along with others as they lift our nation and its leaders. IPrayRadio.org is a ministry of The Presidential Prayer Team and is the first full-time prayer feature of its kind and is available from coast to coast.

The Presidential Prayer Team is a non-partisan, non-profit organization based in Scottsdale. Since its inception in 2001, The Presidential Prayer Team has become the largest full-time prayer movement for our nation and its leaders. Regardless of party politics and ideology, The Presidential Prayer Team is dedicated to encouraging and facilitating prayer for the nation's president, political leaders, and military leaders. It seeks to ignite a lifestyle characterized by robust prayer based on its belief that prayer will transform the nation, one heart at a time.

More information about The Presidential Prayer Team and IPrayRadio.org, visit www.presidentialprayerteam.org or www.iprayradio.org.

The Presidential Prayer Team President Jim Bolthouse is available for media participation.