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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 03:18 AM


First Published in 1994


HOUSTON, TX -- Instagram shutdown the top Christian conservative social media account in the United States, reaching over five million people per week. Catholic Connect LLC received a copyright infringement notification from Instagram and their account was immediately disabled. Within 48 hours, the Catholic Connect team appealed the Instagram ban showing proof that Catholic Connect does have the rights to use the video that got their account shut down. Instagram has not responded to the Catholic Connect team's Appeal. The company that licensed the video to Catholic Connect LLC has also reached out to Instagram to retract the copyright infringement and await a response.

CEO of Catholic Connect LLC, Richy Orozco, comments "as Christians, we are called to fight back against big tech censorship. We will not stand down to an unfair attack on our religious freedom. We have been trying to communicate with Instagram about our account being restored to no avail. This has also happened in the past to other Christian accounts and with enough public outcry, the accounts were restored. We will continue to try and reach a positive outcome from Instagram."

Orozco has been a known advocate of speaking about the importance of Christians throughout the world creating an alternative platform to secular social media. For the last three years, Catholic Connect LLC has been creating a social media platform for all Christians. They have employed over one hundred developers and continue to push forward with their software that will give Churches throughout the world access to a Church app that acts as a fun and extensive social media app, a Church CRM system, and a donation system that all interconnect and will help Churches in 180+ countries grow their recurring giving donor base. In addition, with this platform, Churches will have the ability to reach 100% of their followers within the App by text message, in-app messaging, and emails.

Unlike secular social media that prevents pages from truly reaching all of their followers, Catholic Connect LLC will allow Churches to reach everyone and easily welcome new followers.

Throughout the last six years of @CatholicConnect being on Instagram, it grew to represent the voice of everyday young Christians and influenced the lives of Christians worldwide. It connected Christians of all denominations and fostered a relationship that encouraged everyone to work together in all areas of public life for the good of society. Fighting back to what seems like a targeted attack on religious freedom rights, Catholic Connect created a new account under the name of @CatholicConnect2.0 and within a matter of three days, Catholic Connect 2.0 surpassed seven thousand followers who await a response from Instagram.

Click here for more information on Catholic Connect LLC

Click here to support The Catholic Connect Foundation

Follow the new Catholic Connect Instagram account, @CatholicConnect2.0 


SOURCE Catholic Connect LLC