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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 01:14 AM


First Published in 1994


Dr. Eric Wallace to Discuss Why the Church Must Agree on One Thing: Critical Race Theory is Un-Christian

CRT DemonicNEWPORT NEWS, Va. -- A Black scholar and ministry leader, with links to civil rights leader Rev. Martin Luther King, has slammed the controversial critical race theory as "a doctrine of demons."

Freedom's Journal Institute Founder and President Dr. Eric Wallace -- the first African American to earn a Ph.D. in Biblical studies from Union-PSCE (Now Union Presbyterian Seminary) -- will discuss the "evils" of critical race theory (CRT) and its origins at a conference, Aug. 27-28 in Newport News, Va.

Critical race theory proponents claim the United States was founded on racism and is systemically racist -- painting White people and White Christians as oppressors, and people of color as the oppressed.

CRT is being introduced in churches, public schools and colleges across the nation.

"They try to pervert the civil rights movement and use fear to say, 'anything white is not right,'" said Wallace, one of four ecumenical theologians speaking at the For God and Country Biblical Worldview Intensive at World Outreach Center.

"Their rhetoric has seeped into our churches, declaring a constant war that will not allow harmony," he said. "They will not stop until they have the freedom to do anything they want."

To attend the event, register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/for-god-country-biblical-worldview-intensive-tickets-164012392481

In a speech titled "Doctrine of Demons," based on the biblical passage in 1 Timothy 4, Wallace will trace CRT's Marxist origins to the teachings of Antonio Gramsci, a former secretary of the Italian Communist Party. And he will address modern-day proponents of CRT, including Ibram Xolani Kendi, author of How to be an Anti-Racist, Eric Mason, author of Woke Church, Latasha Morrison, author of Be the Bridge, and David French, author of the article, On Racial Justice Individual Guilt and Institutional Responsibility.

"As people of God, we must stop buying into what the world is selling and allowing the enemy to make our White brothers and sisters feel guilty for the past," Wallace said. "How many times does the Southern Baptist Convention have to apologize?"

American Christians should "learn from our past mistakes" and "move on," he said.

"As Christians, we believe the sin of mankind illustrated in Genesis 3 is responsible for these things -- not systemic racism," he said. "We reject the lie that nothing has changed since the 1950s, nor can we forget the White people who fought and died to abolish slavery."

While "forces of evil" are trying to divide the church, Wallace said, there are many Christians who desire to see true racial unity in the church.

"We're saying, 'we rejoice in ethnic diversity, and we love one another... this is my brother or sister from a different culture.'"


About Freedom's Journal Institute
In 2011, Dr. Eric and Jennifer Wallace founded Freedom's Journal Institute (FJI) for the Study of Faith and Public Policy, an Illinois-based non-profit organization designed to advance the Kingdom of God through socio-political, education and engagement. Pledging to continue the work of the founders of America's Black Press, the Wallaces desire to give African Americans a voice to "plead our own cause...Too long has the public been deceived by misrepresentation of things which concern us dearly." Dr. Wallace hosts FJI's flagship TV program, "Kingdoms in Konflict," which will begin airing its second season this fall on Total Living Network and National Religious Broadcasters TV Network. Dr. Wallace and his wife Jennifer – who holds a Master's in Counseling Psychology from Moody Theological Seminary and a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Ecology and Life Sciences with a dual concentration in Business Management from Howard University – are sought after for their conservative perspectives on social, political, and religious issues. FJI has been featured on Fox and Friends, WGN-TV News, Armstrong Williams Show, In the Market with Janet Parshall, Up for Debate with Julie Roys, the Michael Medved show, The C.L. Bryant Radio Show, Lion Chasers with Lonnie Poindexter, and Moody Radio's Chris Fabry Live, to name just a few.


SOURCE Freedom's Journal Institute