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Tuesday, February 11, 2025 - 07:11 AM


First Published & Printed in 1994


Judiciary Committee Judicial Merit Selection Commission

We are within sight of judicial reform in SC! After years of effort with no bills on this topic ever allowed a hearing, the power of the good-ol-boy attorneys in the legislature is cracking. For the first time, a subcommittee hearing is being held in the House on Thursday morning at 9am.

The bill being addressed (S1046) has come over from the Senate where Sen. Wes Climer took a courageous stand to say he would filibuster the judicial elections until a judicial reform bill was brought to the floor! This is yet another example of how it is courage, not weakness, that gets things done in Columbia. Change almost never happens unless somebody draws a line in the sand and is willing to take the arrows for it. I'm so grateful to Sen. Climer for being that person on judicial reform this year.

Adam Morgan Judicial Reform in SC in Site

That said, the Senate bill is more of a vehicle than a destination. It does not accomplish the broad goals that would protect crime victims, end the conflicts of interest and nepotism, require transparency and accountability to the public, and ensure fairness in our courts. One big example of where this bill is flawed is that it still allows lawyer-legislators to sit on the JMSC - the body that determines who can be a candidate to be a judge. Another example is though it provides four appointments on JMSC to the Governor, it greatly hamstrings him on who he can choose. I believe significant amendments are needed.

I have spoken with the Governor's office and the Attorney General and am urging them to make public statements to support amendments on these issues. Gov. McMaster and A.G. Wilson have been friends of judicial reform, and I believe their strong leadership at this moment would prove infinitely valuable to the effort.

We the People all need to be vocal as well. Please contact the members of the subcommittee and kindly but firmly ask them not to refer out the bill unless lawyer-legislators are banned from sitting on the JMSC and the Governor is given complete flexibility with his appointments.

You can also email the subcommittee at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..