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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 10:25 AM


First Published in 1994


Last week, the United Nations wrapped up its General Assembly regular session, along with its Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Summit. The globalist organization wasted no time pushing for greater global control — with the goal of one-world government. 

Get Us Out of the United Nations 9 20 23

For example, the UN pledged to double down on implementing its totalitarian Agenda 2030 plan and associated Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The UN General Assembly passed a resolution to accelerate Agenda 2030’s implementation, and the UN is working to create a new global financial system to help implement the SDGs. More broadly, the UN also promoted greater global integration, touting “multilateral treaties” as “essential tools for Member States to achieve the objectives of the UN Charter,” and it continued its use of climate-change hysteria to help achieve global, totalitarian control

U.S. President Joe Biden used his speech at the UN General Assembly to pledge fealty to Agenda 2030, the UN Charter, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights — all of which are completely antithetical to the U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence.

All of this is leading up to the UN’s “Summit of the Future,” scheduled for one year from now in New York City. This summit is designed to dramatically expand UN power over humanity — under the guise of fighting emergencies, protecting the planet, and more — at the expense of freedom and national sovereignty. This would be a major stepping stone to one-world government — the original goal and intent of the UN’s very existence.

It shouldn’t surprise us that the United Nations is promoting extreme globalism and socialist tyranny. From its very beginning, the UN’s very purpose was to establish a one-world government at the expense of its members’ sovereignty, and it continues to push for ultra-globalist policies.

To stop this insidious agenda, Congress must reintroduce the American Sovereignty Restoration Act (ASRA) for the current, 118th Congress. It is essential that Congress reintroduces and enacts this important bill. Contact your U.S. representative and senator, and urge them to reintroduce and support the ASRA!