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Friday, January 24, 2025 - 05:36 AM


First Published & Printed in 1994


VOTING: Never vote for a candidate who talks about our DEMOCRACY. Our country was founded as a REPUBLIC. If you don’t know the difference, don’t vote at all.

Unless you are getting gray-headed you probably don’t know that in early America only property owning citizens were allowed to vote, male property holders at that. Most property was owned by men, and unless one owned property he was considered not to have any investment that might be affected....no skin in the game, as the saying goes. The 1828 presidential election was the first in which non-property-holding white males could vote in the vast majority of states. By the end of the 1820s, attitudes and state laws had shifted in favor of universal white male suffrage. The women had to wait a while longer. Dead people and non-citizens are still not supposed to vote, but I understand some do.

Amendment 17:  1913: Prior to this amendment Senators were elected by the legislators of each state, not by the citizens thereof. (Article 1, Section3) This was a part of the Republic we were given. Our Founding Fathers understood full well that Democracies always destroy themselves.

Voting varies from state to state. I can remember when Virginia required payment of an annual poll-tax for individuals to vote. I suspect this was an effort to cut down on votes from African-Americans. Today we probably should be less concerned about who we are electing and start trying to figure out who the voters are that are electing them.

I just read an article about a Moslem woman (a millennium I’m sure) being elected to Congress. Her past gives the expectation she will be totally anti-Semitic and do whatever she can to oppose any pro-Jewish legislation. Under our Constitution she has to be at least 25 years old and have been an American citizen at least seven years. That doesn’t make her think Americanism. We are seeing in Europe today how Moslems work to take over a country through infiltration. Do we want to sit on our happy-go-lucky tolerance indoctrinations while they do the same to us? Sure seems to be the way we are heading. And why is it now virtuous to belittle and criticize Christianity but any comment opposing Muslimism is a gross sin, beyond reproach?

MUELLER MATTERS: I wonder if there is anyone living whom a two year investigation by myriads of lawyers spending millions of taxpayer dollars could not destroy. My opinion: I think those millions of dollars would be better spent on wall-building than on trying to destroy the best President we have had since George Washington gave his farewell address. I say the investigation is treasonous and should be treated as such. But who listens to me? I do suspect that millions of voters think the same.

SWAMPISMS: Been reading some good books about the DC Swamp and I was a little surprised at how long it has been building. Seems like it started even before we had our Constitution. Progressivism promotes swampism, or vice-versa. Essentially mankind’s tendency to promote one’s self whenever and wherever possible helps the Swamp grow. Over the years there have been numerous factors we-the-people have failed to take note of. Congress passing laws from which they exclude themselves is a glaring example of swampism, and watch-out for government partnerships with big business. Bureaucracies are generally created to handle some particular issue or problem, but they are often more concerned with maintaining or even growing themselves than solving the problem. The Department of Education is, I think, a bureaucracy that has outgrown its usefulness. Ever since it was established the cost of education has gone up while its quality has drifted to the basement. The Swamp is obviously loved by both political Parties. Noticing today (12/18/2018) Rush Limbaugh commentating that nobody in Washington wants “the wall.” The reason he gives is that they just don’t want Trump to succeed. Possibly true. Trump managed to carry a lot of Republican Congressionals to DC with him in 2016, but even a lot of the Republicans love the Swamp and would like it to only pretend to disappear.  

Too many Americans fail to understand the gravity of the political condition we are currently in. They have lived all their lives in comfort and prosperity. They have the idea that those conditions will prevail under whatever political approach we follow.