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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 07:24 PM


First Published in 1994


Deliverance from Addiction for young Men 17 to 25


Addiction is a serious problem in Upstate South Carolina and throughout our society. Many lives are destroyed by addiction to alcohol, illegal drugs, and prescription drugs, to name a few. Addiction takes its toll on families and taxpayers. It is virtually impossible for an addict to become free from addiction on his own.

A proven solution is available to all who seek it; however, most pursue popular, politically correct avenues of treatment  without lasting success.

There are many drug treatment programs. Some substitute legal substances for the illegal drugs. Some use various psychological techniques. Any one of these programs may provide temporary relief, or an illusion of relief, but the individual remains an addict with a craving for the drug.



There is only one cure, only one permanent solution to addiction. It is available to all who sincerely wish to be free from the chains of substance addiction. It is the only means by which addicts may become “a new person” free from addiction for the remainder of their lives.

There are no secret potions; no locus-pocus magic. The solution is explained to anyone who seeks information for themselves, a spouse, a child, a relative or friend.

Wisdom in Living Life Ministry has more than a decade of living examples of seemingly hopelessly addicted individuals, some involved in serious criminal activity to support their habit, who are now successful business owners, teachers, pastors and are very effective in teaching others what they have learned.

The ministry has been  occupying temporary facilities near Travelers Rest, for a decade.  It is now on the verge of expanding the Wisdom Ranch and Retreat Project on a 45 acre campus located in the magnificent mountains of Northern Greenville County.

This ranch and retreat will house male students between age 17 and 25, the age when most addicts are introduced to drugs they must have and will eventually do whatever is necessary, regardless of the risk or penalty, to obtain them.

Wisdom in Living Life Ministry, Inc., was founded in 2000 by “a man on a mission.” Winn Freeman “The Drug Guy” is a living example of God’s power and Grace.

“Everyone is in recovery and nobody’s talking about a cure,” Freeman said when we first met almost a decade ago.

Winn Freeman has proven over and over again that those who are imprisoned by addiction don’t have to stay in recovery for the rest of their lives.

“You move beyond recovery. That’s where life begins,” he stresses in his weekly classes.

Freeman understands addictions and those imprisoned by addiction. He is a former drug addict and alcoholic who came to South Carolina from the courtrooms and jails of California with a message that individuals and families who are imprisoned by addiction can experience freedom.

Greenville County Chief Magistrate Diane Cagle is a longtime supporter and adviser to the ministry. She has seen many people she jailed for crimes now leading productive lives as pastors, teachers and business executives.

Freeman has created a ministry that teaches former addicts how to teach others to be free. A letter from Kerne County, California, Superior Court Judge Gary Ingle confirms the transformation in the life of Winn Freeman.

“We have known each other for a very long time, beginning when I sentenced you to jail back in 1988. You were caught up in a miserable lifestyle of drugs, theft and violence, and had hit rock bottom.

“I was skeptical when you went to South Carolina to go to Holmes Bible College, but nonetheless gratified that you were clean and sober for the time being, and were at least out of Kern County.

“I was totally unprepared for the transformation that occurred quickly in your life, and which was nothing short of miraculous. You were reborn, spiritually, physically, and emotionally. You became a new person, who was articulate, intelligent and compassionate, motivated, hard-working, and on fire for the Lord.

“The building project you are embarking upon will be a terrific blessing for families in your area, and an effective weapon in the fight against substance abuse. May God continue to bless you, my friend.”

Freeman invited guests to a meeting on Thursday, July 17th to meet the ministry board of directors. He also conducted a dramatic demonstration of how Godly sorrow brings repentance.

Finally, a young woman gave her testimony.  She had grown up in a Christian home and attended church. After getting away from home and attending school, she began experimenting with various drugs. She could take them or leave them.

Then one evening she was lonely and “found something new. It was crack cocaine. It was exciting and dramatic. I was with a whole new group of people. It was probably 3 or 4 days before I realized I was in big trouble.”

She called her mother and went home, got involved in church and Bible study, but could not get the thought of the drug off her mind. Finally, her mother introduced her to Winn Freeman. He asked her: “Are you a drug user?” She gave a vague answer. “Are you a drug user?” he continued to ask until she finally admitted she continued to have a desire.

Now she has been drug free for nine years and only attends Freeman’s meetings to see friends and tell her story.

For more information regarding Wisdom in Living Life Ministry, Inc., Call (864) 271-4357 or go to the website at www.wisdominlivinglife.org.

Winn Freeman will be the guest on the Peggy Deny Show on Chanel 16 television at 1 pm on Monday, July 28.