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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 07:20 PM


First Published in 1994


Lisa Benson, Talk Show Host Issues “Call to Action”


Lisa Benson, host of the Lisa Benson Radio Show for National Security, was guest speaker at the July Luncheon of the Greenville County Republican Women’s Club. Her topic was The Bible belt Under Shariah Assault: A Call to Action.

Lisa Benson described herself as a “conservative Jewish woman” acknowledging that most Jews in America are socialist Democrats.

She quoted Franklin Graham saying that a majority of Christians did not vote in the last presidential election. That contributed to the election of Barack Obama to a second term and contributed to the problems we face today.

She reminded her audience that radical Muslims are slaughtering Christians throughout the world and six are serving in the Obama White House.



The Sharia-ism Education Center defines Sharia-ism as “the political movement of Radical Islam that seeks total world control.”

“The Manifesto of Sharia-ism is a set of Shariah rules created to control Muslims and non-Muslims worldwide. The founding principles are the supremacy of Arab men over all other men (Islamic Arab Supremacy), and the supremacy of men over women (Islamic Gender Apartheid). The rules of Shariah Islamic Law mandate and create 1) a ruling Shariah Islamist class, 2) a submissive global class, 3) rule over foreign states (Imperial Caliphate), 4) Women and girls as property of men, 5) elimination of individual rights.”

“Shariah Law denies free political speech. Any criticism, by Muslims or non-Muslims, of the Prophet or any aspect of Islam is punishable by death. The European riots over the Prophet Muhammad cartoons are one example.”

Benson explained how the Muslim Brotherhood (founded in Egypt) have made their way into the United States Government, the United States Military, the FBI and other government institutional branches, including the Department of State. She also revealed how the Muslim Brotherhood has established roots in many communities of the Bible belt.

“America is in an alarming state of emergency, South Carolina is experiencing an alarming penetration by Islamists, and I am here to inform you that the Bible belt is under assault,” Benson warned.

She said diplomatic appeasement by the Obama Administration has put the American homeland and the American people in great jeopardy.

She warned her audience of Republican Women and their guests at the Poinsett Club that they must become informed and active or “we will lose this country.”
