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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 07:23 PM


First Published in 1994



The Slater-Marietta Lions Club was joined by more than a hundred leading citizens at Marietta First Baptist Church, Saturday afternoon, to honor a true gentleman and a living example of honesty, integrity. charity, modesty and unconditional love as described by his pastor, his barber, his friends and neighbors, his   children and  grandchildren.

Brock Adams will celebrate his 99th birthday this month. A farmer and textile worker for most of his life, Adams has arguably had a positive impact on more lives than any living resident of the Slater-Marietta community.

His County Council member, state Representative and Senator read proclamations enumerating his many accomplishments and contributions to his community, proclaiming a day in his honor.

His current pastor commended him for not being a “church hopper” and moving from church to church because of disagreements. Being disagreeable is not a  part of Brock Adams. He has been a member of the same church most of his life and at age 99 continues to serve as a deacon.



His former pastor, Reverend Curtis Cruell, left a family reunion early in order to participate in the celebration of the life of Brock Adams. “He has been like a father to me.”

One of the speakers described going to the Brock home to visit for the first time. There was a vegetable stand beside the road. There were watermelons, beans, corn, tomatoes and other vegetables. There was a can and a sign with prices and a note: “pay as you go.” When asked if he was not concerned that someone would take the can and the money, Adams responded: “They might need it.”

Brock Adams exemplifies qualities that others only talk about. He judges others and is judged for the content of his character without consideration of skin pigmentation. This was his standard long before  it became a popular slogan that was   soon forgotten.

It is a rare man than can count as a friend virtually everyone he ever met. However, that is the legacy of Brock Adams, as testified to by his friends, family, and all who know him.

A granddaughter recalled going back in the hills with their grandfather in his old pickup truck. Her grandfather had loaded vegetables in the bed of the truck and she and her brother were becoming afraid, because these people out here don’t look like us and may not like us.


They pulled up in a yard and her grandfather got out and went to the door. A white man came out and hugged her grandfather. He returned to the truck and gave the family the vegetables. It was an experience this granddaughter, a successful television personality,will never forget. “I have traveled all over the world,”  she said, but her grandfather and Slater-Marietta is where she learned values,work ethics and the importance of morals and all the lessons that are necessary for living a productive and joyful life.

The Adams family was profoundly touched by the love shown by their friends and neighbors.

Rose Ann Kirksey, daughter of Brock Adams expressed her appreciation and that of her father with great sincerity.

“Speaking for my family, we can’t thank Marietta First Baptist Church enough. You are a manna from Christ. This is what Jesus meant when he said,’On earth as it is in Heaven.’ You see life is a temporary assignment. Life is meant to be shared. Each one of us is part of the Body of Christ. And we were chosen to live together. That is what we are doing today – expressing life together. We were created to become like Christ. Marietta First Baptist Church and friends, you are on your way, and with all  your love we thank you.”

Speaking of her father, Mrs. Kirksey said: “Brock Adams is a man who followed his heart and realized his life’s dreams.”

Adams worked at Slater Mill for 45 years and had time to raise a family along with chickens, cattle, hogs and lots of vegetables – and make lots of friends.

The heartwarming stories about the life of Brock Adams are too numerous to relay in this space.

At age 81 he was asked by a granddaughter to take her to the senior prom. He was reportedly the life of the party.

At another granddaughter’s wedding, he was said to have danced with every woman there.

David L. Holmes, President of the Slater-Marietta Lions Club served as master of ceremonies.

A reception was held following he presentations.