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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 07:26 PM


First Published in 1994



Compatriots, your efforts (Teddy Bears for Deputies) have helped show the Sons of Confederate Veterans, especially Camp 36, in a positive manner. Master Deputy Natalie Hill of the Greenville County Sheriff’s Office picked up the plush animals from the Museum and Library of Confederate History on Thursday, July 31, 2014.

Commander Doug Langley and Lieutenant Commander Rollis Smith made the donation on behalf of the Camp with Museum Director Michael Couch taking photographs of the occasion held in the Annex Building. Master Deputy Hill was very excited to see the numbers we collected, and hopes we will do this again in the future.

At this time, we intend to repeat the event in January or February of 2015, and then continue, as the Sheriff’s Office needs them. Master Deputy Hill explained some of the uses such as a case involving young children suffering trauma including car crashes or domestic abuse.

The conditioning of children today often teaches them to fear law enforcement. The teddy bear helps diffuse the tension between the officer and child overcoming this barrier. Master Deputy Hill, a crime prevention specialist, utilizes the soft toys as a teaching aid when working with children in community settings. Perhaps she poses a question involving the safety and security of a child and this child answers correctly; she rewards the child with a teddy bear.

This reinforces the child’s answer while simultaneously strengthening the officer – child relationship. Now, compatriots, let us not wait until the last minute to start. Immediately begin looking for closeouts and/or bargains so that we double the numbers next time. Again, thanks to everyone who helped make this a successful project. Anyone who wishes to support our next collection effort is welcome. The collection point is the Museum and Library of Confederate History, 15 Boyce Avenue, Greenville, South Carolina.