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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 07:22 PM


First Published in 1994



Oliver Thompson Chapter 1850, UDC, held a Memorial Service on Saturday, September 20, 2014, at Fairview Presbyterian Church, in Fountain Inn, South Carolina, in honor of the 90th anniversary of the chapter. Before the service, charter members of the Caroline S. Coleman Chapter 537, Children of the Confederacy, placed flags on the graves of 51 Confederate soldiers buried in the cemetery. Some of the children passed out programs for the service. Carol Leake, Oliver Thompson Chapter President, called the meeting to order and welcomed all those in attendance.

The invocation was given by Ann Vaughan, Chapter Chaplain. The 16th SC Color Guard of Honor posted the colors. The pledges were led by Jackson Tucker, Caroline S. Coleman Chapter 537 CofC Custodian and SC Division Children of the Confederacy Custodian. Jackson also serves as Drummer Boy with the 16th SC Color Guard of Honor. “O God Our Help in Ages Past” was sung by those in attendance at the service. "A Chapter History," written by Bobbie Jane Armstrong, Chapter Historian, was read by Chapter President Carol Leake. The descendants of the charter members of Oliver Thompson Chapter were recognized. Millie Coleman and Caroline Sherman gave remembrances of their grandmother, Caroline S. Coleman, who was a Charter Member of Oliver Thompson Chapter. Christiana Kendall and Ann Vaughan sang “Rock of Ages.”

Mr. Bob Skipper, Commander of Capt. Moses T. Fowler Camp 1721, gave greetings from the Sons of Confederate Veterans. Mr. Greg Harrison, from 16th Regiment, Camp 36 Greenville SCV, as “Judge Oliver Thompson,” brought greetings, with a biographical sketch of Oliver Thompson, the one for whom the chapter was named.

The message was preached by Pastor Mark Evans, pastor of Hope Presbyterian Church in Greenville, SC, and immediate Past Chaplain-in-Chief of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. The 16th SC Color Guard of Honor retrieved the colors and proceeded to the cemetery, for a solemn tribute to the 51 Confederate soldiers buried there. Members of the Kendall and Neely families sang “Lest We Forget.” The Passing of the Canteen ceremony was observed by the 16th SC Color Guard of Honor and the Butler Guard. Following the musket salute, the benediction was given by Rev. John Woods, Chaplain of the Capt. Moses T. Fowler Camp 1721.

All in attendance were invited to return to the Church Sanctuary for a special ceremony commemorating the re-activation of the Caroline S. Coleman Chapter 537, Children of the Confederacy.
