The state senators who re-drew the South Carolina Congressional District boundary lines to conform with the 2010 census split Greenville County from east to west. The northern part of the county remains part of the Fourth Congressional District represented by Rep. Trey Gowdy. The Southern part of the county now joins the Third Congressional District represented by Rep. Jeff Duncan. Both congressmen are first term Republicans and are part of a conservative congressional block that has made history in Washington by standing firm on the principles they went to Washington to defend.
Congressman Duncan was scheduled to be the principal guest speaker at the April 2 Executive Committee meeting. Congressman Gowdy appeared unannounced. Both men responded to questions from the audience and brought their audience to their feet several times with spontaneous applause.
Party officials announced that the Fourth District Convention will be held April 14 at Byrnes High School. The date and place of the Third District Convention will be announced at a later date. Two delegates to the national convention will be selected by delegates at each district convention.The South Carolina State Republican Convention is set for May 19 at the Convention Center in Columbia. Additional delegates to the national convention will be chosen at that convention.
The Republican primary will be held June 12, 2012, to select Republican candidates to compete in the November 2012 General election.
Representative Garry Smith and attorney Stephen Brown discussed the problems of getting Republican sponsored legislation through the Republican dominated House of Representatives. Smith said it is doubtful that a bill authorizing registration by party would be passed this year.
Brown, the attorney working diligently to help Republicans support legislation to allow Republicans to select their own candidates to represent them in elections, explained the problems faced by the Republican Party when a large number of elected lawmakers are Republicans in name only (RINOs) and vote with the Democrat minority against their fellow Republicans.
Anyone who is not a convicted felon and has a valid voter registration card may vote in the Republican Primary.
Stephen Brown, who is a member of the Greenville County Republican Party Candidate Recruitment Committee, warned candidates who are seeking “Republican support to carry the Republican label, who voted for Clinton or Obama in the 2008 presidential primary and contributed to Democrat candidates in the recent past, will have their records exposed to the voting public.”
County GOP Chairman Betty Poe said questionnaires filed by candidates stating their support for the Republican platform will be posted on the county party web site.