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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 02:17 AM


First Published in 1994


Homeschooling is much easier than you think. A grand aura has been built up around EDUCATION so that most parents are completely intimidated at the thought of teaching their own children. Nevermind that these same parents have been teaching these same children almost everything they know for at least four or five years previous to arriving at ‘school age.’ Tacking on some academics to everything else a parent teaches a child is not that mysterious. Grab a few books, find some like-minded homeschoolers who can give you pointers, figure out the state law, and you are on your way. Yes, it’s that simple.

Where to find groups of homeschoolers to connect with? The easiest place to look is on the following website page:  http://schea.azurewebsites.net/?page_id=341   Despite the clunky web address, this is one of the helpful web pages of the South Carolina Home Education  This is one of the web pages on the site of South Carolina Home Education look is on the following website: and you are on Association (SCHEA) and it has lists of parent support groups by region. Becoming acquainted with experienced homeschoolers will be of immense help and encouragement to you.

Parental support groups are treasure troves of valuable information. These homeschooling parents can give you information on what curricula options to start with, where the best book bargains are, what websites are good, when activities for the kids are planned, when special events like curriculum fairs are coming up, how to organize your day, how the state law really works, etc. etc.  Take advantage of this opportunity. I always recommend consulting other homeschoolers rather than the state. State bureaucrats are usually way behind the times when it comes to homeschooling and may give you inadequate or erroneous advice.

Speaking of the law, yes, do make certain to know what the law says. This same SCHEA website  has useful information as what the South Carolina law says regarding homeschooling. South Carolina is an easy state in which to homeschool. The law simply requires that you belong to an ‘Accountability Group.’ Again, browse SCHEA’s website for links and explanations of the law, and links to Accountability Groups. There are accountability groups all over the state. Each one is unique so you may want to contact several to see which ones have membership policies that suit you.

Additionally, I always recommend membership in the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA).  www.hslda.org  You may be perfectly legal in your homeschool, but sometimes busybody bureaucrats or neighbors don’t know that and once in awhile you might need legal advice or in rare cases, legal representation. You will also find a wealth of information on HSLDA’s website. We held an HSLDA membership throughout our homeschooling years and I was always happy to have them as a resource. The one time I needed them (in a different state), I was very, very glad they were there for us!

As a Christian, I always encourage folks to pray for wisdom and direction as you begin your new adventure. For success, you will want His blessing. The Lord provided for us so many times and always gave us just what we needed when we needed it. He will do the same for you if you humbly ask.

Now go for it! You can do this! Hang in there for the long haul and you and your children will reap blessings beyond your expectations and imaginations. Our family homeschooled from birth through college and we have never regretted it. May God bless you and yours as you begin this wonderful journey.


Holly and her husband Ray homeschooled their children from birth through high school, and mentored them through online college degrees. They have been involved at various levels of homeschool leadership around the country for 30 years.