Widow of Late Lee Atwater Enters Race for Superintendent of Education
Sally Atwater, widow of the late political consultant and former RNC Chairman Lee Atwater, has entered the race for South Carolina Superintendent of Education.
Sheri Few, the leading conservative in the race immediately challenged Atwater and asked why she won’t reveal her position on Common Core.
Speaking from the 25th Education Policy Conference in St. Louis where Common Core was the number one topic, Few welcomed Atwater to the race and asked why her campaign announcement highlighted her political consultants but not her view on “the number one issue facing education today.
“American public education is facing a crisis because Common Core is being forced on our states by the Obama Administration and compliant local officials afraid to speak out,” Few said. I am running for Education Superintendent to stop Common Core and take back control of our schools from Barack Obama’s Education Department.
“It’s unfortunate that Mrs. Atwater’s campaign announcement focused on her political consultants, how much money she has and how many degrees she ‘s received but said nothing about where she stands on Common Core,” Few pointed out. “It’s especially disappointing that as a teacher who is dealing with this every day she didn’t see fit to say one word about it in her announcement.
“Hopefully Sally will learn more about Common Core during this campaign and join me in opposing this scheme to teach to test instead of teaching to children,” Few concluded.